Chp 29-The Shack

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Louis' POV

I'm abruptly awaken from a deep, uncomfortable slumber when the car sputters to a stop. My neck was cramped against the seat buckle so now it has a kink. I massage it gently with my hand and look around, blinking.
It's dark out; the only light source coming from the moon. I can faintly hear the rustle of trees from outside the car. My eyes strain to make out something, anything, but I can't see.

"Richard, where are we?" I ask. My question sounds more like a whine as my voice struggles to be heard.

"You'll see."

I sigh in defeat. I've already asked multiple times to figure out where we're going, and it's obviously never worked. I stay sat in the back seat waiting for him to do something. He shuts his door, shaking the frame of the car, and walks around to mine.

"Get out," he grunts as he opens the door. I scramble out and he wastes no time to grab hold of my arm with a tenacious grip.
He leads me through what seems like a field. Tall weeds scrape my ankles and trip me up. The uneven ground is hard and rocky. I fall once but Richard tugs me along.

As I walk blindly through the unknown, a thought dawns on me. I don't feel sick anymore. My stomach's normal, head's not throbbing, temperature perfect. This little accomplishment brings a slight tug of a smile to my lips. That's one less thing I have to worry about.

Suddenly Richard stops walking and I hear the scrape of metal on metal, which causes goosebumps down my spine. A loud boom echoes through the still night and before I know it I'm shoved forward.

I land hard on my knees, sending shooting pain up my legs. I struggle to see in the dark, waiting for my eyes to adjust.

"Richard?" I call out, panic filling my voice.


Tears of fear prick my eyes as my heart speeds up in my chest.

"Richard?" I call again.


I feel in front of me, below me, around me, everywhere. The ground is hard and smooth, like concrete. There's a bit of straw or hay scattered around.

That's everything within reaching distance. I'm sure as hell not moving from wherever it is I'm sitting. I curl my aching knees up to my chest and hug them tightly. Tears stream down my face, as I'm left alone and helpless.

My body begins to shake as my brain starts to make up terrifying possibilities. The scariest thing in life is the unknown, being alone in the dark.

I sit, waiting for my eyes to adjust. But they never do. It's too dark and there's literally no light anywhere.

Then suddenly, I hear tires screech, getting farther and farther away. Richard left me. Tears of fear start to roll down my cheeks, thinking about how now I'm all alone. What an I going to do?

Think Louis, I tell myself. I might be in a room of some sort because there's no light from the moon. The metal on metal screech I heard was probably the door opening. So it makes sense that I'm in a room.

That assures me a bit knowing I'm not fending for myself in the middle of a field. It could be worse I suppose.

A cold draft sweeps past me and I wrap my arms around myself in attempt to keep warm. When that doesn't work, I pull my arms into my shirt and rub my bare skin. To think that just a couple days ago, this was where Niall had touched me.

In this state of discomfort, I think of Niall to provide a bit of relief. I think of his whispy blonde hair that always falls into his eyes. His light blue eyes that enchant me every time I look at them. His small nose, that reminds me of a baby, I don't know why. His now-straightened teeth that are so white they could glow. And don't even start with his laugh. His deep bellied cackle that causes everyone to melt and laugh along. I'd say that his laugh is what I miss most. Tears prick my eyes but I refuse to turn these happy thoughts sad.

Swapping Spit (Nouis) [under editing]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें