"I put the food on the nightstand." I casually stated as I walked off into the kitchen.

Rapid footsteps followed behind me, stopping just by the entrance of the kitchen. I did not really pay attention to them, all I had on my mind was food.

First, I had to deal with a drunken Marco and then with a cranky Dimitri. I did not want to deal with a chatty Marissa too.

I took a bite of my food as I tried my hardest to block out her voice which in this moment was the most annoying sound. Luckily, Anthony came to my rescue— this was most definitely not his intention when he came to call her to bed, but it worked in my favor.

She huffed, letting her arms fall down the sides of her body like a spoiled child that just got told the word 'no'. As she walked away he stayed behind for a little while longer. At first it was to watch her walk away, but then his face turned towards me.

"What?" I asked as I took another bite.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm great." I stated as I turned my back towards him, taking a bottle of water out of the freezer.


"Listen, now is not—"

"A good time? We've been here for what— almost a month and it never seems to be a good time to talk. So, I think we should just do it. Especially since you have quite a few things to explain."

"Me?" I gulped. "You're the one who has been lying to me for years and yet you expect an explanation from me?" I sarcastically smiled.

"I don't want to do this. I don't want to walk pass you like you're a stranger."

"I'm getting used to it, maybe you should give it more time." I turned around to rinse off my plate.

"I'm actually trying here."

"Are you? Or are you just now trying to make conversation because you want to know what I was doing in Marco's room?"

He let out a sigh as he moved his hands to the back of his head.

"I just want you to be careful when it comes to trusting people."

"You don't say huh, Anthony." I spat at him.

Before he could say anything I grabbed the bottle of water from the counter and walked towards where he was standing. 

"Whatever happened between us, I'm over it. There is too much going on in this place for me to care about something this stupid. So, how about you worry about Marissa and I'll worry about me."



From the corner of my eyes I looked at the plate Nuelle had left me. Everyday one of them would walk into my room with a plate of food that looked like it had been ordered from a five star hotel. Yet, as much as I wanted to eat, I did not seem to have the appetite.

Perhaps, it was because I hoped that by starving myself, death would come knocking at my door to relieve me from the pity life I was now living. But, death did not come to me. At least not that day, that day Nuelle came to me.

The more I looked at the food, the more I smelled its aroma and the harder it became to fight the urge to break my fast for death. I swallowed hard as I tried to push myself up, only causing myself pain.

How long until I can do this by myself?...

With no other option in mind  I reached for the button that would alert the others that I needed help. Not long after the door opened, revealing a shadowy figure. I could not help but focus on how she looked in the dimly lighted room.

She stopped in the opening of the door and turned the lights on, making the room much brighter than it was before.

"Are you just going to stand there?" I asked when she would not move.

"Sorry." She whispered as she walked further into the room, still stopping a good meter away from where I was.

"I need help. I'm hungry." I admitted.


Her little feet moved fast towards me, but once she was within my reach she stopped again. Her eyes shifted from where I was laying to the nightstand that the food was on whilst my eyes trailed her beautiful face and then a little lower to her collarbones and then—


"What?" My eyes found hers again.

She moved her hair behind her ears as she sat on the edge of my bed and placed her hands on the sides of my hips.

As I quietly watched her struggle to figure out how her tiny self could help me, my mind was flooded with all the things I could do— all the things I wanted to do and her night gown only drove me further into my thoughts.

It did not leave much to my imagination as I could see her hard buds poking against the thin layer of fabric that they were covered by. All I could think off was running my fingers over them before I would take one in my mouth as I flicked and softly pulled on the other. Suddenly my hunger for the food disappeared and all I wanted to have was her.

"Can I—" She half-asked.

I raised an eyebrow at her when she spoke. "What it is that you want to do?"

She gulped as she started to point between us, her hands moved in all directions to do the explaining though I wanted her voice to do it.

"Just, I'll do it and see if it works." She blurted out after I continued giving her a confused look.

Her arms slowly moved under mine, until they were wrapped around my back. This position had our chests pressed together as one side of her face rested against mine. The smell of her hair and skin filled my nostrils.

I was not even aware that she had moved me up until she tried to pull away from me, but could not. Unknowingly, I had wrapped my arms around her frame, keeping her pressed to me.

"You—" she gulped. "You can let go." She softly whispered in my ear.

I slowly trailed my hands down her sides until they reached the mattress as our gazes were now locked. She silently trembled as her chest pressed harder into mine. I could feel her erect buds slowly moving up and down against my skin as she breathed in and out. Her dark eyes were staring into mine and I was lost.

I moved in closer to let our lips meet, but as soon as she broke the eye contact I pulled away. She immediately reached for the plate and undid the wrap. 

"Here." She held the plate towards me, thinking that I would take it out of her hands.

"Feed me."I said, wanting to keep her close to me for a while longer.

"W-what?" Her eyes grew larger.

"You want to help me, right? Then feed me."

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