M is for Murderer

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TW: mentions of rape and abuse.
*I am introducing a new character in the story. You will find out who this person is, and I have mentioned them as her in the story sometimes. If you are triggered by the mentions of rape and abuse, contact me and I will remove it from my story.


Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) if you or a loved one has been abused or raped. Rape is not a joke and will never be a joke. I stand for all of the females that have been raped or abused and have not survived from it. I pray for all of you and, I don't know you but, I love you❤️❤️*

Yoonbum laid next to Sangwoo, who slept soundly. He laid up, staring at the ceiling.

Who did I become? And why did I become that person? Orginally, I wanted out. I wanted nothing but to get away from Sangwoo, forever. But somehow, I stayed.

Yoonbum got out of the bed, walking over to the door.

He'll be fine.

Walking down the steps, he looked into the lobby. There was no one except the receptionist at the desk. He walked past the desk, holding his hands in his pocket. Outside, the wind blew softly, crickets and owls making noise in the night. Yoonbum found a bench and sat down on it, holding his hands together.

I thought everything was going to be normal, I thought it was all going to be okay, but I never thought of it this way. But I'm with Sangwoo, right? I should be happy, I should be okay. But why do I feel like I'm not?

Yoonbum sat on the bench until the sun started rising. He got up and walked back into the hotel, going to the room. He entered the room quietly, seeing that Sangwoo was still asleep. He climbed into the bed and got under the covers, snuggling next to Sangwoo.

"You know I love you right? But you changed, and I got scared. Honestly I got scared and wanted out, but I realized something. If you truly love someone, you'll stay with them through thick and thin, no matter what happens. So..... I've made my mind up. I'm staying" Yoonbum rubbed Sangwoo's cheek as Sangwoo pulled Yoonbum closer to him.

I love you.


"You're tired? I thought you had sleept enough?" Sangwoo looked at the yawning Yoonbum as they walked through the farmers market.

"I did, but I guess it wasn't enough" Yoonbum said.

"Hm, apples". Sangwoo walked over to a stall that was selling apples, and picked one up.

"My mom used to get us apples everytime we came up to the mountains. It was a joy for me you know, but at times, it was sad" Sangwoo placed the apple in the stall keepers hand and picked up a few more.

"Thank you, and have a nice day" Sangwoo told the stall keeper and walked away, grabbing a hold of Yoonbum's hand.

"I felt you get into bed this morning.....where were you?" Sangwoo asked Yoonbum.

"I went outside to get some air. I felt out of breath, sorry if I woke you". Yoonbum looked in the direction of a girl with short black hair, holding a child's hand. He put his baseball cap on and pulled Sangwoo's hand and walked fast past the girl.

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