SangClyde and YoonBonnie

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*this is a play on the famous serial killer couple, Clyde and Bonnie*

*also trigger warning as I will use a derogatory term used for people in the LGBTQIA+ community. To state, I am not anti anything. I fully support the community and all they do. I myself am a part of the community and the term that I will be using is commonly used to degrade gay, lesbian or bisexual people in the LGBTQIA+ community. If I offend anyone or trigger anyone by using this word, please contact me by messaging me and I will remove the word from my story. Thank you for listening, enjoy this part❤️*

Yoonbum sat in his rolling chair, sipping on his coffee. It had been exactly 3 months since he and Sangwoo killed the girl that he had fooled. Since then, his mind changed. He wasn't the man who was afraid anymore.

He was the man that wanted to kill. He was.......

The man he never thought he would be. After careful thinking and newfound love from Sangwoo, he began to love feeling the warm blood on his skin and hearing the screams of his victims. So far, his body count was 3, and Sangwoo's was 5. Yoonbum's mindset changed with a sense of wanting to take life away from a living being.

"Yoonbum, are you ready?"

Sangwoo came out of his bedroom with bags in hand, heaving them on the floor.

"Yes I'm ready" Yoonbum grabbed his crutches, leaning up on them.

"I don't think you need those anymore" Sangwoo told Yoonbum.

"Why?" Yoonbum asked Sangwoo. Sangwoo sighed and walked over to Yoonbum, holding his hand.

"You're able to walk now. And plus I have arm cast you can use. You'll be fine" Sangwoo smiled after Yoonbum, and Yoonbum smiled back.

"Now let's go, the countryside waits for no one"


The drive up to the mountains was quiet somehow, and it gave Yoonbum time to think.

What happened to me? I never liked it when Sangwoo murdered people, but now I love it. And I love killing people, it's honestly crazy how much I have changed. What would she think of me?


Yoonbum looked over to Sangwoo and saw that the car had stopped.

"Yeah?" Yoonbum straightened his posture and pulled up his coat.

"I have to go into this store for a minute. I'll be back" Sangwoo leaned over to kiss Yoonbum's cheek, patting his other cheek and getting out of the car. Yoonbum sat and looked out the window, seeing people walking around. They were far from the city, but still around where people populated the area.

*ring ring*


Yoonbum saw that Sangwoo left his phone in the car, and it was buzzing. Yoonbum picked it up and saw that Seungbae was calling.

"Hello?" Yoonbum answered the phone, hearing sounds from the other side of the phone.

"Where's Sangwoo?" Seungbae asked.

"He's in the store. He'll be right out" Yoonbum said.

"Tell him to call me back as soon as he gets in the car. It's urgent" Seungbae said.

"What is it about?" Yoonbum cleared his throat and looked at the entrance of the store, seeing that Sangwoo hadn't left yet.

"It's about the last person he killed. The person was a well known heir of a pharmacy company. Her parents are requesting any information pertaining her" Seungbae sighed on the other side of the phone. Yoonbum spotted Sangwoo coming out of the store and walking to the car.

I killed her. Sangwoo watched, and smiled. As I cut her throat because she said something about my mother. She said that I was a faggot and didn't know that homosexuality was a sin. She was full of shit so that's why I hit her so hard she started bleeding, and then I stabbed her two days later, right in her mouth, cutting her tongue and ripping her mouth open. She looked like a clown from my standpoint, and which she was.

"Sangwoo, it's for you" Yoonbum handed the phone to Sangwoo and Sangwoo locked the car doors.

"What's up man?" Sangwoo said. Seungbae explained the situation he told Yoonbum.

"They'll pay that much money just for any information on her? I would give some information but I'm good. But have you gotten rid of her body? Last thing I heard from your cop buddies, they told me that you've been coming in wearing the same jacket, every day. They even said it smelt like dead people, what's wrong with you?" Sangwoo laid back in his seat, rubbing his forehead. H

"I keep forgetting to wash my jacket. It's the one I wear to dispose of the bodies" Seungbae responded.

"You have to do better, you have to keep it hidden, you got it?" Sangwoo's fist balled up and he punched the steering wheel, causing it to honk.

"I'll talk to you later" Sangwoo flung his phone to the floor, next to Yoonbum's feet.

What..... what happened to you?

Help Him....  (A Killing Stalking fan fic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt