Forgotten Memories

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The earliest memories of my childhood.....

The ones where my mother was the one who was supposed to love me.

The ones where she was supposed to help me grow and praise me.

Where the ones when I was terrified of her.

Simply, when I was a child, I recall being awaken by something covering my face. I couldn't breathe, nor move the thing covering my face. As I fought for my life, it finally stopped. My father cradled me and held me tightly to his chest.

"I'm sorry Sangwoo, my poor baby!"

"Mommy's just sick right now, please forgive me!"

I never wanted to forgive her. I couldn't just understand why my mother, my mother, my caregiver, wanted to kill me.

As life went on, my mother began to cheat on my father while he was at work. I went to school nearly every day with tears in my eyes because I could not simply believe my own mother could betray my father like that.

She told me she loved me, but it was all a harsh, life-destroying lie. For my life, she felt as if I loved my dad more than her.

And it was true.

But this woman, whom said she loved me, and tried to smother me in my sleep. Cheated on my father.....

Then killed him cold-blooded in our house, right in the kitchen. I couldn't believe my own eyes, yet I had to look into hers. The way this woman terrorized me for my childhood and well into my teenage years.

She was the cause of all my trauma. Especially when she tried........ I can't even think about it. It's too terrible to think about, and I hate it. But..... things turned around.

"You're under arrest for the murder of....."

I held my head down as I saw my mother being walked out of our house in handcuffs. No one saw......

But I was glad that crazy bitch was finally getting put where she should be getting put.

She was put in jail at the time before I went to join the military. All of my friends were concerned about me, and I was concerned about myself. Until the doctor prescribed my medicine to change the chemicals in my brain from making me do things I wouldn't dare to do.

But those meds weren't working, after I met Yoonbum again.

You see, Yoonbum is everything to me. I fell for him the moment I saw him in the military. I saved him from one of our superiors, and  for him, I was his savior. My mind and heart was all together, but now my mind and heart are at war.

I had to hurt the man that I loved, all because my mind told me too. And it's fucked up.


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