Thirty: Jail Visit

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It's been a week since Theo and Michael were arrested and Sam wanted to go visit Michael. She didn't want to go alone though, so I volunteered to go along with her. I was sitting in the passenger seat of Sam's car as she parked in front of the Los Angeles County Jail. 

"You're sure about this?" I asked her as we got out of the car and walked towards the main doors. 

"Yeah." She nodded. I opened the door and we went inside. 

"Hi, are you here for a visit or is there something else I can help you with?" The lady at the front desk asked us. I noticed her name tag and it said 'Jane'. 

"We're here to visit Michael Provost." Sam told her. She typed something in a computer and a moment later she grabbed two visitor's passes. 

"Names?" She asked. 

"Sam and Lexi." Sam said. She wrote our names and a number which I was guessing was Michael's number in the system. Jane handed them to us. 

"You're gonna head down that hallway to that guard and show him your passes, and he'll get Michael in a room so you can see him." She told us, pointing towards a narrow hallway. 

"Okay, thank you." I said, walking in that direction with Sammy ahead of me. We did as she said and talked to the guard. He told us to wait where we were while we went to find Michael's cell. 

"I'm nervous, I don't know why." Sammy said as we stood alone in the hallway, waiting for the guard to come back. 

"I am too. But it's gonna be okay... and besides I'm right here with you." I reassured her. The guard returned a few moments later. 

"Come with me." He said. "You guys are allowed 15 minutes with him. If you wanna come back another day you can request for longer but you'll have to let us know ahead of time." He explained as we followed him. We stopped in front of a heavy-duty metal door. We went inside and Michael was sitting at a table in an orange jumpsuit. Another guard was in the room as well. 

"Sam, Lexi... what are you guys doing here?" Michael asked as we sat down at the table across from him. He looked like himself, I was expecting him to look worse honestly. But it has only been a week. 

"I wanted to talk to you." Sam said. I noticed she wasn't looking him in the eyes. 

"That's what I figured... I was worried about you guys though, if you guys were okay after. And I totally understand if you hate me-" He was saying but Sam interrupted his rambling.

"Cut the small talk, why did you help Theo?" She asked. He didn't say anything for a minute or two. 

"Michael, we didn't come here to sit in silence with you." Sam sighed. 

"Sam..." I said quietly. 

"So you just came here looking for an answer. Not to check on me." Michael said after a few more minutes. 

"You helped someone who was trying to kill us, I don't consider us on the best terms right now." Sam said, her voice shaky. 

"He paid me. That's it. Nothing deeper than that." He shrugged. 

"How much?" Sam asked.

"Like a few thousand dollars. About five thousand. I'm sorry." Michael explained. Theo never had a lot of money in high school, so this surprised me. 

"Wow." Sam said quietly. No one said anything for a couple minutes. 

"Do you have anything to say Lexi?" Michael asked, looking at me. I shook my head 'no'. 

"Time's up." The guard interrupted. Sam and I stood up and walked out of the room. Just as we did I got a text from Luke, but decided to ignore it for now. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Sammy. 

"Yeah." She shrugged. We got in the car and drove back to campus. I went to Luke and Jc's dorm and Sam headed to Noah's. She mostly stays with him, sometimes I stay in Sam and I's dorm alone and sometimes I stay with Luke. I knocked on the door and heard 'come in' so I did. 

"Is Luke here?" I asked Jc as I closed the door behind me. 

"He went to go get a couple pizzas for dinner, he should back any time now. Are you staying here tonight?" He said to me. 

"Maybe, yeah." I told him. I took off my shoes, put my purse on the floor and went and sat on the bed next to Jc. He was busy playing Fortnite. Jc and I have gotten to be pretty close friends lately, because I'm over here so much. 

"So how did it go seeing Michael?" He asked. 

"It was interesting... we didn't say much, between the three of us." I shrugged. "Did you have class today?" I tried changing the subject.

"I'm sorry. About the whole situation. But at least it's over now, right? And no I didn't." He asked. 

"Yeah, I'm really glad it's over." I agreed. 

"I can imagine." He nodded. I watched him play his game for about ten minutes before Luke walked in. 

"Hey love." He said, coming over and kissing me on the cheek. 

"Hi babe." I smiled. He put the pizzas down on the bed and sat next to me. 

"Hey man." He said to Jc. 

"Sup dude." Jc responded, his eyes glued to the game. 

"How did it go? I tried texting you but I wasn't sure if you got it." My boyfriend asked me. 

"Oh yeah, I saw it when we were leaving but then I was talking to Sam so I guess I forgot to check it. It went okay I guess." I shrugged. I reached for a piece of pizza and a napkin. 

"Well we don't have to worry about it anymore. The rest of this year is gonna be great and we're gonna make some good memories, okay baby?" He said, wrapping an arm around me. 

"Okay." I smiled, already looking forward to it. 

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