Thirty Nine: Lovey dovey shit

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Sammy's POV

I kept looking at my watch, only five more minutes till I could go home. Working at the mall was definitely a not so good part of my life. But now that I finished school I could finally do something that I want to do. 

"Hi" I said to a customer as they came up the cash register. All I could think of was getting home to Noah and giving him the gift that I have been waiting to give him. He proposed only a couple of weeks ago but I already got him engagement ring. Haven't got the wedding band but that isn't for awhile.

"Have a nice day" I said as I put the receipt in the bag.

"You too"

"My Fiancé has keeps talking about getting these sweats. So I'm here to surprise her and get myself a matching pair" Noah said, I looked up to see him putting the sweats on the table with some other stuff.

"She must be really lucky" I said

"I think I'm the lucky one" Noah said as I started to check his items.

"I also got us some matching hoodies and some more earring for you" He said

"Noah, that's going to be expensive" I said

"I got an unexpected bonus today and we have your discount" Noah said smirking

"You are a dork" I said as I put my discount in

"I was thinking we run to Walmart and grab some snacks. We can have a movie night" Noah said as I put the receipt in the bag

"Sounds perfect" I said

"I'll meet you right outside the store" Noah said

"Sounds perfect" I said as I logged out of my computer

I went and clocked out. I grabbed my purse and coat. I walked through the store to see Noah standing outside of the store talking to these girls. I could tell by the way she kept getting closer to him that she was flirting. He took steps back each time but he was almost to the glass.

"Hey" I said and Noah smiled, he held his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me into him.

"This is my fiancé, Sam" Noah said and the girls nodded

"Nice to see you, Noah" The girl said walking away

"Who was she?" I asked as we walked through the mall to the parking lot. He held my hand and rolled his eyes

"I use to hook up with her in high school. I'm surprised she recognized me" Noah said 

"Baby, you are fine. I trust you fully" I said and he looked at me

"I'm not happy with what I did in high school but it lead me to you. It was worth it fully" He said

"Don't be cliche" I said and he laughed. We arrived at my car.

"Should I meet you at Walmart?" I asked

"Let's meet home and then we can drive together to Walmart" Noah said

"I have a surprise for you" I said

"Yeah" He said

"It's at home" I said biting my lip

"Then let's get home" He said and then he leaned down, giving me a kiss.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too. Drive safe" Noah said and I nodded giving him another kiss

I arrived back at home to see Noah arrived first. Of course he did, he was always speeding. I got inside the house, his parents were away for a week to celebrate Noah's sisters newborn. I unlocked the door and I see Noah leaning on the counter with his phone up to his ear. He looks mad, I turned around and shut the door, locking it behind me.

"I don't want to discuss this right now" Noah said as he looked up at me

"It's my weekend, I'm in the office" Noah said as I walked past to go to our bedroom. I got to our bedroom and grabbed the ring out of my pants drawer. 

"BABE" I hear Noah yell. He came in the room and I held the box out. He looked at me confused

"Is this your ring box, babe?" He asked as he grabbed it from me. He opened it and then looked at me.

"This is super early" He said

"I fucking love this" He said pulling it out of the box. He put the box on the bed and put the ring on.

"Fuck, you are going to be my wife" He said and I chuckled. He grabbed my face and kissed me

"Now everyone will now that you are taken when I'm not around" I said smirking 

"Is that what this is about?" Noah said laughing

"Not really, I just wanted you to be able to have something also" I said and he smiled

"Should we get going?" He asked

"Why did work call?" I asked as I picked the ring box off the bed

"Just some dumb shit, doesn't really matter" Noah said

"But what does matter is that I found us a house" Noah said

"What?" I asked

"The house we looked at yesterday? The one you loved, I put an offer down and they love my credit score so they already got back to me today at work. They said they would take the offer" Noah said

"Babe" I said as I started to jump up and down

"We will be in the middle of your parents and my parents. Thirty minutes either way" Noah said

"BABEEEE" I said and he hugged me

"They house won't be open for a couple months but that's perfectly fine" Noah said

"I'm so happy" I said


I was laying in bed scrolling through Facebook, I know only moms use it. It's been awhile since I used it, I stopped on a post that was posted by Sam's mom.

'Welcome to the family, Noah. You have always been a part but I wouldn't want my daughter to be marrying anyone else'

There was a photo attached of Noah and Sam, Sam's hand was placed on his chest. Her ring sparkly and Noah had the dumbest smile on his face.

"Dude, really?" I heard Ambrose ask and I put my phone away. I looked at him and he was looking down at me in disgust.

"Am I going as your plus one?" I asked

"Yeah, fucking right" Ambrose said laughing 

"Noah would kill me" He said

"You should ask or just don't ask and let's just do it" I said

"I'm one of the groomsman" Ambrose said

"So?" I asked

"Well you would just go so you could object" Ambrose said

"Does Sam know that you hang out with me?" I asked

"She does not. It doesn't matter either way, Noah is good for her" He said

"I know something you don't know" I said

"I'm not playing this game, Provost" He said

"Noah cheated" I said

"I know he didn't. You just want to stir shit" He said

"At some point in my life I thought you were going to marry my sister. But I'm glad that you aren't. I like Noah a lot, he treats her right" He said

"I'm going home" I said getting off his couch

"Cool" Ambrose said

I left the house and pulled my phone out to go back to Facebook. I got in my car and started scrolling again to see Noah changed his relationship status to engaged. I rolled my eyes and threw my phone on the passenger seat. 

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