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It's been a few days since I've seen Josh. I know he's going to come back.

I'm sitting in my cell when I hear a knock on the door. I look up to see Daryl. "Hey can I come in?" He asks. "Uh yeah sure." I say nervously about what he wants to talk about. He never comes to me and talks.

He walks to my bed and sits down. "I think you should give my boy another chance. He didnt kiss the girl. I was out there watching them. She pushed him onto her." I knew he was going to say something about Kyle. "Everyone has been telling me that. You're just another one. Look, I know that I should give him a second chance. I've screwed up so many times at life as we are living it. I don't want to screw up again." I say.

"So, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I might consider it. As long as he stays away from Violet and other girls our age. If he does that for a month, I might give him another chance." I say.

"Okay." He says getting up and walking out.

I'm still really nervous for no reason at all.

"Hey!" Caitlyn says with a big smile on her face.

"What's with the smile?" I say smirking.

"Well, I met this guy!" Caitlyn pauses. "He's from Woodbury. He's our age and I'm dating him now!"

"And his name is?" I say happily.

"His name is Jacob, or Jake."

I'm so happy for Caitlyn. "Don't get your hopes up, he may be someone you thought he wasn't."

She starts getting a huge frown on her face. "What'd you see?"

"I-I'm sorry Caitlyn I didn't mean to make you upset. It's nothing about Jake though. I swear."

I run to the bathroom and lock the door. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU KENZI! That's when old memories start coming back.


"You're a whore!" Josh says hitting me in the face.

I just sit here and do nothing because I can't.

"You're a bitch and a slut!" Josh yells cutting me on the leg.

It hurts bad but I can't yell because he has duck tape over my mouth.

He's going to kill me...

~end of flashback~

I'm sitting on the bathroom floor crying. "I'm not worth it." I grab my knife and cut my wrists. Dark red blood comes gushing out of my wrists. "Why Kenzi why?" I whisper.

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