Chapter 4: 11 + 1 = 12 ( Part 2 )

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Suzy's P.O.V


These two; really! Every single day! Quarreling. He took this, he took that. I was walking down the hallway recieving bows and smiles from other students.


"Chanyeol give me back m--- SHIT PARK CHANYEOL WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO SUZY GET OFF HER. OH GOD WHAT BIG SIN HAVE YOU DONE" Baekhyun exclaimed with the most terrified face I ever saw.

"Nooooooooooooo. I want to stay longer on her. " Chanyeol pleaded with his aegyo voice while pouting.

Just then, I felt arms wrapped around me. Chanyeol's arms. The warmth of his body, felt so soothing and calming. His hug made it feel like I was secured. I closed my eyes. Please stay, Park Chanyeol. Just as I felt the warmth and those secure-felt arms, loosened it's grip. I slowly opened my eyes and see such a big fuss.


I wanted to voice out my thoughts but my tounge was tied and my words were twisted so I just laid down there. I mentally slapped myself about Chanyeol staying because that would never happen. How would it even happen?

Luhan's P.O.V

I walked through the hallway with my thoughts clouded by the audition and.... Suzy. What? Why Luhan? Why are you thinking of her? I mentally slapped myself at that stupid thought.


Baekhyun gestured at me to hurry. I felt an ache on my heart when I saw Chanyeol on top of Suzy and she didn't  wriggle or struggle to escape and even closed her eyes and she seemed like she was.. enjoy-- wait what Luhan?! Stop feeling like that! I shook my head and hurried my pace to Baekhyun and helped him.
After Chanyeol's arms were separated from Suzy, she got up and fixed her uniform and thanked us. She just proceeded to class after that.

"Sesange! BAE SU JI JUST SMILED AND THANKED ME I AM FANBOYING" Boasted Baekhyun while smiling from ear to ear and flushed red cheeks.

"Whatever Baek~ Bark all you want after this but I hugged her for more than 20 seconds~" Chanyeol interrupted Baekhyun's moment of happiness.

Geez, are these two like this everyday? I definitely would get annoyed with these two. Fighting and quarreling.

I just tailed behind Suzy because I still don't know where the class is. I ran up so I could catch up to her and I stopped a little bit too close to her, just right behind her.
What. Am. I. Doing.

Suzy's P.O.V

I was just walking to class and missing Chanyeol's warmth just as I heard someone panting right behind me. I turned my body to see who's behind me and saw Luhan. My heart was beating so fast and I started sweating. Our faces are only approximately 2 centimetres away. I have never went this close to a guy before. I recognised his high-bridged and how perfect the contour of it was. I also realised his sparkly eyes. WAIT WHAT SUZY ARE YOU CHECKING HIM OUT?! I mentally slapped myself and took a step back to keep a distance from each other.

"I still don't know where the class is at yet. So I ran after you since we're in the same class" He informed me while panting and holding down to his knees.

He just got back to a normal standing posture after that. I just led him to the way where the class is at.

Kris' P.O.V

Just 3..2..1 YES SCHOOL IS OVER YESYESYES. I cheered inwardly to the dismissal of school. Then suddenly I just remembered about Luhan. HIS AUDITION! I almost forgot I voluntarily invited another member to our team since it felt incomplete.  I just got out of class and met the team at the venue.

Luhan was just standing there practicing. He sounded really good but will he be able to impress the other members? Then I realised it was the audio, not his voice. I just smiled at my silliness and greet him as I got in. As I got in, the others went in one by one and the last person was surprisingly Suzy. It wasn't normal for Suzy to go to these audition things. She would usually ignore it as if it never existed.

Then Luhan went to the microphone and greet everyone that was there and we replied back to his greet.

"I will be singing 'Our Tomorrow'. This song is personally written by me. I hope all of you enjoy it" He announced and just smiled.

Walking to the destination alone

" 不小心回到起点"
Accidentally ending up in the beginning

" 一个新的世界"
Only now then I realise in this brand new world

Time was never indefinite

He kept on singing and singing the rest of the song. Everyone was amazed by his voice. He finished the song with a now and the 12 of us clapped. He got off the stage we all shook his hand.

"Welcome to EXO" I smiled as I shook his hands

A teardrop in the clouds, a crystal in the eyes. (Luhan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now