Chapter 1 - The First Meet.

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The wind filled the air. Cold breezes evolved to become stronger and stronger around Suzy. She was struggling to walk steadily. She was still shivering despite of the layers of shirts she wore and that hideous thick orange jacket. It made her look plump. The wind was so bad, she just felt like giving up and just let the wind blow her off her feet. She totally gave up after struggling, trying to move a few steps forward. Then, a figure of a man came by and caught her.

Suzy's P.O.V

What kind of breeze is this? Is a hurricane passing through or what? This is just unacceptable. I'm so cold and the house is still 16 doors away! Could my night get any worse than this? It's a struggle just to take a few steps. To pass by 16 doors to get home? I would've died of exhaustion by then. I don't know what is wrong with the whether today but---



*got caught*

Oh god! What in the ---

My thoughts were cut off by the saviour. His face, flawless. His skin was so soft and warm. His eyes, sparkle like stars in the sky so bright. I wondered who took the stars and placed it in his eyes. His lips, red. As red as a rose. It seemed velvety and just warm as well as soft. If only i could crash my lips into those. Wouldn't be wonderful? All I could describe him is perfect. This is perfection. My cheeks burned as they flashed an obvious tone of red. I never thought of the day I am saved by a man like this. Is this a dream? I came to my senses when he called me.

Luhan's P.O.V

This breeze isn't normal. But it's still ironic how I can walk through it like it was one of those normal breezes that we often have daily at night. The cold didn't really bothered me. I reached for my phone that was in my pocket. I was never happier to see a text from my mom. I smiled like an idiot reading it.
Luhan! Hurry! Get home now. I cooked your favourite Jjamgmyeon! You have been craving for it for weeks.
Yes mom. I am near already. I just have to past by a few more doors.
Ok. Hurry. I love you!
I love you too mom :)

Just as I looked up, my gaze was affixed to a lady. Her body figure looked plump. She was struggling to take steps because of the strong wind. I hurried my paced to catch up on her to help her. Just as soon as I was behind her, She fell and I caught her as I was alert. She landed onto my arms. Her face was small. Her nose was dainty and sharp. Like a button. Her lips, pink like bubblegum. Her eyes are like marbles. Her skin tone is as white as snow. She looks beautiful. Her features look gentle. Our eyes met. I snapped out of my dreamland and called her to assure she was okay

" Miss, are you okay?"

She didn't reply on my first call. Maybe she's still shocked.

" Miss? Are you okay? Miss?"

She blinked and stood.

" Yes. Yes. I am okay. I am gravely sorry for the inconvienience. This will not repeat in the future. I am very sorry." She bowed to me 5 times. I just nodded.

" Are you hurt? Did you sprain anything? " I said to her with full concern and the will to help.

" I am perfectly fine. Thank you for your concern. "

She sounds very mature for a lady of her looks. She is also very respectful. I never expected that. I thought she would just said sorry and flee away because she could have been shy. But she's all normal. Just standing down there with her eyes sparkling of gratefulness.

" I don't think it's good for you to walk alone. You looked like you were struggling to just take a step just now. Let me help you. Is that fine with you?. "

" Yes. Thank you. Please help me. "

She held on to me while taking her steps. She had the relieved look on her face. She also looked like she was filled with exhaustion. I accompanied her all the way to her house.

We arrived to her house. Finally. I was very shocked to see a big polished, shiny gold gate infront of us. Behind it, hid a castle like house. She looks very wealthy. Why didn't she just take a taxi so all her struggles didn't happen?

" Can you wait here for a little while? I need to call the guard to guide me in. Thank you. "

That explains her formality. She is a daughter of those high class people. But it's suprising how she is kind and not arrogant like most of them are. She even bowed to me.

She called her security guard through the intercom and demanded him to open the door. As soon as the door opened, revealed a rich garden. With colourful flowers. Shady trees. There was also a gold water fountain. A gigantic one, showcased right in front. My jaw dropped. It was truly amazing to experience such view.

" Excuse me Mister, my driver will be sending you back home. Please wait for the car. Thank you. What is your name? "

" Thank you very much. My name is Xi Lu Han. You can call me Luhan. "

" No problem. This is the very least I can do after you have assisted me just now. Thank you very much for your generousity. God knows what would happen if you weren't there. Thank you very very much " She bowed to me.

Then, we were cut off by the sound of a honk. I turned over. It was a stunning white Lamborgini. I waved her goodbye and she did the same. My mind just had thoughts about her running through.

Suzy's P.O.V

It's such a pity to see him leave. I wish I had just a few more moments with him. But it's no good to keep someone at this hour. My mind was full of him. His perfect gaze that melted my heart and rooted me to the ground. I just sighed and walked through the garden with the guard's guidance. I was thinking what could've happened if I kept him for dinner or at least for a drink. I hurriedly walked to the door. I.just want to be warm now. And of course, eat. Then after that, I could just shut my eyes and have my sleep. Just when i opened the door, I saw my mom. She had a wide smile on her face. She was smiling like an idiot. I was confused with her expression.

" Why are you smiling like that mom? Is there good news that you have awaited to tell me? "

" Who is that guy? The one at the enterance just now? Is he your boyfriend? He's handsome! He would be such a good match for you. " She answered my curiousity. I just stared at her blankly. I digested what she said and my expression changed to a shocked one.

" No. He saved me from falling down and he also helped me to walk properly through the nasty breeze. It's not good to keep him so I just told Mr. Choi to drive him home. It's the least I can do. "

She just chuckled and then couldn't control her expression. Then she just let out one of those teenage girl laughters. I just sobbed at how my mom is. I went up to my room with my thoughts on nothing but him, Luhan. Every other thought about school didn't appear. It was all blinded by him. His flawless face. His kind and gentle gestures. He's such a gentleman.

A teardrop in the clouds, a crystal in the eyes. (Luhan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now