Chapter 7- Sweet Dreams.

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The smell of freshly baked pancakes fills the air as i prepare breakfast, the radio plays in the background and i can see the sun creeping higher in the sky out of the kitchen window. I feel little hands tugging at my dressing gown and reach down to pick up my daughter.
"What is it sweetie?" I ask, kissing her cheek.
"Mummy can we wake Daddy up now?" she asks and snuggles into my chest.
"Come on, let's wake him" we head into the bedroom and Hardin lays on his stomach, clutching a pillow with one hand, his hair all over the place.
"Daddy, daddy wake up!!" Emery bounces up and down on the bed, shaking Hardin.
He groans but rolls over and begins tickling her and kissing her.
"Daddy's awake now let's go and have breakfast" i usher them both out of the bed.
"And Mummy's looking beautiful this morning" Hardin kisses me and Emery grabs his hand pulling him into the kitchen.

I awaken to tears running down the sides of my face and an overwhelming feeling of sadness. Once upon a time this dream would have brought me joy, but now it only reminds me of the things that i can't have.

"Tess what is it? What's wrong?" Hardin rolls over with a worried look on his face.
"Nothing i just had a bad dream that's all" i snuggle into his chest, needing the comfort.
"Tell me about it" he strokes my hair and plants a small kiss on my forehead.
"I'd rather not talk about it" i wipe away the tears with the back of my hand.
"Please, i want to know why it's made you so upset" he says with a look of genuine concern.
"I'll tell you later" i reach up and kiss him. I'm really not in the mood to tell him right now, i'll only cry more and it doesn't bare thinking about today, not when we've had such a lovely few days.

"Come on, let's shower" Hardin pulls me up from the bed and leads me into the bathroom. He pull's his shirt up over my head and throws it on the floor. I take his hand and he helps me into the shower. The water cascades over my body and i welcome the heat, it's calming and feels as if it's almost washing away the emotions of this mornings dream.

I reach for the shower gel and pour some into my hands and begin smothering it over my body. Hardin take's over and his hands glide over me, slowly caressing my every curve. He works his way up over my shoulders and onto my head, using his fingers to deeply massage my scalp.
"Mmm" a moan escapes my lips.
"You do realise that's not shampoo" i smile up at him, finding the situation highly amusing.
"You've cheered up" he chuckles and grabs the shampoo. I watch him as he pours half the bottle into his hands and begins washing my hair, he really is a sight to behold... even more so when his body is wet and glistening in the bright bathroom lights from above us.

"Here" Hardin hands me a towel and wraps one around his waist.
I step out of the shower, the cold hits me instantly and i quickly wrap the towel around my shivering body. My mind casts back to lastnights dream as i stand towel drying my hair infront of the bathroom mirror. I really want to talk to Hardin about it but i just don't know how. It's caused arguments in the past and i'm not sure i'm ready to ruin the hooneymoon period just yet. I decide to leave it for now and try to enjoy our last two days in Vegas before we return back to normality.

"What do you want to do today?" Hardin asks from across the room as he sits back on the bed to put his boots on.
"I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon" i reply, looking in the mirror at my outfit for the day, blue denim shorts and a white tank top.
"Walking? Tess we can do that anywhere" he groans.
"It's not just walking Hardin, the Grand Canyon is one of the most famous attractions in the world, millions of people travel to see it. Did you know it's bigger than the entire state of Rhode Island?" I walk over to him and take his head in my hands and plant a kiss on his cheek.
He rolls his eyes back in boredom "Okay okay, The Grand Canyon it is!" He smiles and kisses me softly on the lips.

"Your seriously wearing that? Your going to be boiling!" I scan him up and down.
"I'll be fine, besides i haven't got anything else" he looks down at his attire, a black top and jeans. Of course.
"Okay then, let's go" i chuckle, knowing he will be complaining in a few hours.
We catch a bus full of tourists headed to The Grand Canyon West Rim, it take's about 2 and half hours and by the time we arrive i'm desperate to get off the bus. Sweat trickles down my face, i use the back of my hand to wipe across my forehead. Hardin removes his shirt and tucks the corner into his jeans so it hangs by his knees.
"Told you" i chuckle, he doesn't seem amused.
"I thought this was supposed to be fun" he uses the corner of his tshirt to wipe his face.
"It will be, come on i want to explore!!" I grab his hand and begin following the others from the bus.

We finally reach a ridge after an hour or so walk, i look back to see Hardin trailing behind.
When i look out at the view i'm speechless. It's breathtaking. The sky is clear blue, not a cloud to be seen. The air is no longer thick with heat but welcoming and cool. A shiver runs down my spine as i take in my complete surroundings, the beautiful colours of the deep canyons and the different shapes flow through my mind. I find myself appreciating how amazing our world is, how incredible this place is. I think back to my dream and picture bringing a child here, showing them this amazing landscape, taking them on adventures. But i no longer feel sad, i feel hopeful.

I feel hopeful that anything is possible, i feel a surge of happiness flow through my veins and wave over me. I turn to see Hardin with a look of shock on his face, he makes his way over to me and wraps his hands around my waist, leaning his head against mine. We stand watching in silence for what seems like forever.

"I love you" he whispers in my ear and i close my eyes not wanting this moment to end.

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