Chapter 13

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A wave of relief floods over me, i feel refreshed after getting my plans off of my chest, i don't know why i was so worried about telling Hardin, his reaction couldn't have been better. God i need this shower, there's nothing better than coming home from a trip and being able to use your own bathroom again... and having Hardin in it is an extra bonus.

The hot steamy water wraps itself around every inch of my body, i feel Hardin's hands move from my waist up to my stomach, he reaches for the body wash and begins rubbing it into my back in long deep movements. My skin's on fire, not from the heat of the water but from Hardin's touch, i didn't realise how much tension i was holding until he began kneading my shoulders, with the stress of telling my Mother about us getting Married and telling Hardin about leaving Vance i've needed a release.

He uses his index finger to trace my collar bone, i feel a sensation burning within my skin in the path of his touch, like an electric current.
"Does that feel good?" He whispers in my ear. I moan in response and he swiftly turns me around to face him. Water drips from his hair onto his soft lips as he parts them with his tongue. God he is so sexy.

He takes my breasts into his hands and massages them in circular motions whilst trailing kisses up the side of my neck, he reaches my ear and takes it between his teeth, playfully biting. My mind is taken away from the events of the past few hours and i'm fully consumed in this moment, with him. How does he manage to distract me so easily? How does he make me forget with just his touch?

I feel him roll my clit between his thumb and index finger and my head tilts back in pleasure. I take him into my hand and move up and down slowly, his head falls against mine, his breaths fast and heavy.
"Fuck, do you have any idea what you do to me Tess?" He says between deep breaths. I move faster, harder as i feel myself coming to the edge.

As we both reach our climax, we stay close, our bodies pressed together, my eyes regain focus and i reach for the body wash.
"Turn around" i tell him and he does so. His muscles feel hard against my hands as i rub the soap into his skin. The word's at the top of his shoulders stare back at me...
'I never wish to be parted from you from this day on'
I run my fingertips over it, i remember how i felt when he got it, i felt so loved, the fact he had a piece of us engraved on him forever, it made me giddy. I look down at the small smiley face on my wrist, i never thought i would ever get a tattoo but i kind of like it, especially when it holds meaning. An idea sparks from the back of my mind..

"Come on, let's get out there's somewhere i want to go" i jump out of the shower and grab a towel, tossing one to Hardin.
"What? Where?" He asks with confusion on his face.
"Just get dressed, you'll see when we get there" i say getting impatient, i want to get there before i change my mind. He doesn't question me further he just drys off quickly and pulls on his jeans & a tshirt. If i wasn't in a rush i'd tell him to put a clean pair on.

We walk along the street, Hardin's hand in mine as i drag him along. The cities starting to get busy with the rush of people leaving work and heading out to dinner. The sight of bright lights, huge billboards, crowds of people and yellow cabs at every turn never ceases to amaze me, ever since moving to New York i have loved every minute, they call it the city that never sleeps but there's something peaceful about midnight when my heads rested on a pillow and i drift to sleep with sounds of a busy night in the distance.

"So are you going to tell me where it is exactly your dragging me to?" Hardin asks.
"Were almost there" i reply as we turn a corner. I see it in the distance.
"Tess, slow down!" He laughs as i pick up the pace and begin jogging towards it.
When we finally arrive, i stand there looking up at him hopefully with my hands on my hips, trying to catch my breath.
"What are we doing here?" He looks so confused.
"This is where i wanted to go" i grin.
"A tattoo parlour?" He raises a brow at me.


What on earth is Tessa doing bringing us to a tattoo parlour? Is she wanting me to get another? For her? I wasn't planning on it but if she wants me to i guess..
"I want to get one" she interrupts my train of thought.
"What? A tattoo?? You want a tattoo?" I reply in shock.
"Yeah... i do have one already remember?" She holds up her wrist and wriggles it infront of my face.
"Yeah i know but..."
"So i want another, for you, like you have one for me" she never fails to suprise me. I hope she doesn't think that she needs to do this for me, i know how much she loves me already, i dont need proof.

"Tess, you don't have too. I have loads of tattoos, another one wouldn't hurt me but... you only have one tiny tattoo... they are forever and i don't want you to feel like you have to prove anything to me" i take her wrist in my hand and rub over the smiley face with my thumb, i remember how shocked i was when i first saw it, i couldn't believe Theresa Young had gotten herself an actual tattoo, i was convinced it was one of those shitty fake ones.

"I don't want it to try and prove anything to you Hardin, i would just like something with meaning, you have yours for me and you know how much it means to me and i want one too, that will not just mean alot to you but alot to me too" she replies, the smile never leaving her face. I can see how happy she is and i don't want to ruin it.

"Come on then" i open the door for her. She grins and heads inside.

The start of forever (*AFTER EVER HAPPY FANFIC*)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora