Chapter 12- New Beginnings

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(Who has seen the new After We Fell trailer? I cannot wait to see the movie!!!!)


The drive back to New York seem's to fly by with the whole journey being filled with thoughts of how i'll tell Hardin i want to leave Vance Publishing's and start a new career in Wedding Planning, i know it's going to come as a big shock to him, since one of the main reasons i moved to New York was to pursue a career but i've had so much time to think over the past few months about everything, including what it is i really want to do with my life. I've been so thankful for this opporunity that Christian gave me and all the thing's i've learnt and amazing people i've met, but lately something just hasn't felt right.

I find myself waking up and having to drag myself to work, everyday feeling the same and it seems my ambition is lost. Since i was a little girl i've alway's dreamnt of being a publisher or author, i consumed so much of my energy into reading books inside and out until i could practically memorize every page... but thing's change and if there's anything i've learned over these past few years it's that everything is alway's changing.

When i first moved to New York my main focus was finding a job to pay the bills and using the time to figure out all the stuff going on in my head. Working at the resturant was fine for the time being, it was money at the end of the day but when Vance opened another branch here i jumped at the opportunity to work for him again, i thought finally thing's were falling into place, i was due to graduate NYU and i felt like my future was suddenly not looking so impossible.

But now i feel my life is turning in a different direction and ever since i've helped Landon & Sophia plan their wedding i've really gotten a taste for how much i enjoy it. I loved helping them choose their perfect venue, organise the seating arrangements and decorating the dining hall, even down to the tiny details such as the name cards and table favours. I never realised that i had such an eye for detail, and using that to help someone make their wedding day special filled me with so much pride and happiness. Ever since i've been dreaming of how amazing it would be to start my own business and do it for real...

Will Hardin think it's a good idea? I don't know why i'm so nervous to tell him... maybe because any time in the past either of us has had big news to share it almost alway's seemed to end in tears. But thing's are different now, Hardin's different and so am i.

We arrive back to the appartment Hardin tell's me to head on up whilst he carries all the bag's up, i offer to help but he decline's. It's a strange feeling coming back here, a few day's ago when i left i hadn't spoken to Hardin or seen him in month's and now were married. There's boxes spread across most of the floor containing all of Landon's belonging's, he was nervous at the thought of leaving me here alone to pay the bill's, but i assured him i'd be fine.

"I hate the thought of leaving you here all by yourself" Landon say's as he looks at me with a frown on his face.
"I'll be fine... beside's alot of the time i'm here by myself anyway's with you working or being at Sophia's and i've kind of gotten used to it and i like my own company" i grin at him and continue putting book's into boxes.
"I'm sorry, i haven't meant to abandon you, i feel awful for barely being here, i've just been so busy and with the wedding and everything too..." he look's down at his hand's full of clothes.
I walk over to him and place my hand gently on his shoulder's.
"Hey, don't be silly! You have a life you need to live, i've never felt annoyed or sad that you haven't been here because i know how happy Sophia make's you and i wanted nothing more than for you to spend your time with her and i couldn't be happier for both of you, it's lovely to see you so happy!" I say, meaning every word.

"Thankyou Tessa, it means so much and i'm so thankful for all your help with the wedding, your a natural you know. I just wish you weren't going to be here alone..." i know what he's thinking but i don't acknowledge it. I haven't even spoken to Hardin in months.
"Stop worrying about me, i'm a big girl, i can handle it! Now let's hurry up and get these boxes packed up, we have a venue to decorate!" I laugh at him as he fumbles through boxes trying to find room for all of his stuff.

I move a few boxes off the couch and lie down putting my hands behind my head, Hardin walks through the door bags over his shoulders and in his hands.
"You hungry?" He asks.
"I'm good, i think i might take a shower soon, i feel gross" my hair's stuck to my forehead and i feel clammy.
"Mind if i join you?" He wink's at me.
"Sure, i have something i need to talk to you about first though" i suprise myself by suddenly deciding to tell him already... we've only just stepped foot through the door.
"So talk to me" he take's a seat on the other end of the couch and lifts my feet into his lap, he take's one foot in his hand and begins slowly massaging it, i feel a twinge deep within my abdomen. No. I won't let him distract me, i need to tell him.

"So i'm thinking about leaving Vance, like soon" it feel's daunting saying it out loud.
"Can i ask why" he's so calm and collected, such a change from how he used to be.
"I've decided i want to make a go of something else, something new" i'm treading lightly, it's not that i think Hardin will be mad it's just i'm scared he won't take me seriously.
"Which is?" He asks, eyeing me suspiciously.
"Well i've enjoyed helping Landon and Sophia plan their wedding so much and i loved it when i helped Mum with her and David's big day so i was thinking i could do it full time, you know... be an official wedding planner" i look away and wait for his response, i feel him move his hand's away from my feet.
"I think that sound's great Tess, i mean Landon and Sophia's wedding was some pretty extravagant shit but even i can appreciate how amazing it looked" i can't help but laugh at his response... it's so.... Hardin.
"Really? You think i'd be good at it?" I ask, my eye's fixed back on his.

"No, i think you'd be amazing at it. You love all that lovey dovey stuff and your a control freak so who better than you" he grins.
"Hey! I am not a control freak" i laugh throwing a pillow at his face.
"When will you tell Vance?"
"I'm back at work on Monday so i'll tell him then, i expect to work abit of notice and in the mean time i can look into starting up my own Wedding Planning business" the thought make's me nervous but excited at the same time.
"I could come with you?" He says.
"No i'll be fine, but thankyou" i reply.

"Okay, Mrs independent. So how about that shower?" He winks at me.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter everyone! Please let me know what you think :) xx

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