Chapter 2

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Hardin POV.

To hear her say those words. It was music to my ears.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you". That's all i needed to hear, that's all the confirmation that i needed to make this happen. To make her my wife. Fuck i need her to be my wife. I always thought of Marriage as just a label people needed to paint the perfect picture, of a perfect life. But it means so much more now, it means her being mine. Truly mine. Forever.

The silence was deafening in those first few hours of our 15 hour drive to Vegas, i wanted to ask her what she was thinking so bad. I wanted to know if she was having second thoughts, if she wanted me to turn this damned car around and head back to the wedding. But we've come so far. We've made it this far... the past few years back and forth, seeing eachother, sleeping together, taking time apart, missing her, thinking about her every second of every long day. It's all lead up to this. It's all lead up to this day. She asked me to forgive her, as if she needed forgiveness. It should be me earning her forgiveness for all the hell i put her through. But yet my Tessa asks me for forgiveness. She really is insane sometimes. But it's these things i love so much about her. I've wanted to marry her for so long, i just needed her to agree. I just needed her to say those words. I need her so badly. And she agreed, she got into this car with me, she assured me that she wanted to do this, just the two of us.

As we continue our drive, Tess lays asleep with her head against the window, her hair strewn across her face, i glance over at her every few minutes, she's so peaceful, so beautiful. I let my mind wander back to those first few months of knowing her. I stumbled upon her so suddenly, she started a fire in me that will never die. She made me feel things i didn't know i could feel, she crept her way into my dreams, into my every thought, i was holding onto her every word without even knowing. At the time i knew that i would never be able to leave her alone, to forget her. I just wouldn't admit it to myself. I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to break down the walls i had spent so many years building around myself. And yet she knocked down almost every single one. These past few years have been a revelation really. The publishing of my book brought with it so many new discoveries about myself. I opened up to those around me, to strangers. People i didn't even know. With each interview i found myself opening up more and more. Talking about my childhood, something i'd locked up inside of me for so long. The relief of setting it free was something i can't describe.

"Maybe we should stop at a Mall" Tessa must have woken, i didn't even realise i was so deep in my thoughts.
"A Mall? Why?"
"For a dress of course. Nothing fancy. I just don't really want to Marry you in my Bridesmaid dress" of course that's the one thing she's thinking about right now.
"Okay well were not far off now, we can stop when we get there if you like"
"Yes please. We'll need to stop for a Marriage License as well won't we?"
Shit. As if i forgot about needing a fucking Marriage License.
"Er yeah probably"
"You forgot about that didn't you" she says with a smirk.
"No... okay yes i did but it's no problem. We can sort that when we get there. Have you got ID?"
"Yeah it's in my purse, you've made a reservation haven't you?"
"Yeah of course i have"
"Really? When?" She seems suprised.
"When you were in the cafe waiting for me. I rang whilst i was fuelling the car. It's at Noon"
"Noon. Wow, that's only Five hours away"
"No shit" i laugh, i hadn't thought to much about how far away it was myself. But Five hours, wow. In Five hours Tessa will be my Wife. Tessa Scott. I have to admit that has a nice ring to it.

"My hairs a mess. I'll need to find a bathroom and fix it, maybe fix my makeup too. I don't want to look like this on photos" she looks perfect to me.
"Woah. Who said anything about photos?"
"They'll take a photo after the ceremony i'd imagine"
"No they fucking won't" there's no way i'm having a photo in this tux.
"Hardin, it's our wedding. We have to get a photo. Just one? For me please?" She looks at me with those Gray eyes, urging me to agree.
"Fuck. Fine. One okay."
The rest of the drive is spent laughing effortlessly and both wondering what are Family and Friends are doing back at the Wedding. I must check my phone. I'll no doubt have a missed call or two from Landon or Ken.

End of Chapter 2!! Again any advice is appreciated. I'm enjoying writing this soo much and i know i'm obviously nowhere near as good a writer as Anna but hope you enjoy😆 Please don't forget to vote if you enjoyed! X

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