Why Does Everyone Have a Million Secrets Now

Start from the beginning

"I did? I didn't even know I'd done a test!" Error laughed.

"Well, how could you know? We observe you for just under ten years of your life secretly."

"That- What? How old was I when you first saw me?" Error's eyes widened.

"Oh, the first time I saw you, you were about five months old."


"But we started analysing you when you were five years old. For the Joku twins, we started at age four."

"...What about Ink?"

"Five, like you. Same for Reaper. We decided to start earlier with those two because they're twins, and we've had twins before. It can complicate things when they get too emotionally involved with each other." 

"So, like..." Error stared at the table, his eyes wide, and eventually looked up, shaking his head. "That's creepy. You stalked me for nearly ten years."

"Oh, you'd be even more creeped out if you knew how you got your first taste of divine magic."


"When you were ten, The King asked me to do it. We give you your full dose of the magic when you're fourteen, but you get several smaller doses from about age ten up until fourteen. Just to make sure you don't die."

"Oh, great. But how did I get the magic?"

"I broke into your room and gave it to you while you were sleeping."

Error didn't know how he felt. Was he amused, or genuinely concerned? "You're joking, right?"

"No. I broke into a ten year old's room while they were sleeping and pretty much injected magic into their soul."

Error said nothing, taking another bite of the food.

"Sorry about that."

"It least it wasn't Alpha," Error smiled to himself. 

"Oh, true. He did it to your boyfriend."

Error snickered. "Unlucky. Oh, what was Ink's score on Creation?"

"Ninety percent, if I remember correctly."

"Is the stuff you're telling me now what Glitch wanted to know?"

Four hummed. "It could be, yeah. But he wanted the names of people we tested but didn't make into Gods. He can't be jealous, I'm not going to tell you those names."

"Why don't you give us the powers when we're adults? Wouldn't that be a more sensible option?" Error asked.

The taller shook his head. "No. It's hard for an adult's soul to adapt to such strong magic. When you're a child or teenager, your magical skillset is always changing and is therefore better at adapting to divine magic."

"I would have thought teenage souls would find it harder? They're less powerful."

"That's true, they are," Four poured himself another drink, "But we give you a small portion of magic when you're fourteen. The doses you get before then are tiny. Anyway, the final bit we give you is enough for you to develop your own divine magical skillset over the course of the next few years. Well, I suppose even now you're still getting more powerful. The more experience, the stronger you get."

Error nodded, wrapping more noodles around the fork. "That makes sense. Are there different types of magic that you give us? Like, for Creation, Destruction...?"

"No," He replied, "There aren't. You all get the same. But we already know what your body will do with the magic before we give it to you. That's why we need to be sure, if we give you the magic and you turn out to be the God of Death instead of Destruction, we have a problem. That's one of the reasons we need to carry out such extensive research."

Creation Begins with an I, Destruction Begins with an E (Undertale Errink Book)Where stories live. Discover now