"Right," she quietly squeaked out, slowly sliding her hand away from Jennie's, not before rubbing her thumb against the brunettes palm. "I'll see you in an hour?" Lisa asked, slowly and fully pulling herself away. Jennie smiled and nodded,

"See you in an hour."

Oh yeah, she was crushing hard.

"Hey! Come on in! I'm just finishing up. You can set up the table," Jennie rushed out quite breathlessly before hurrying back into her kitchen. Lisa laughed while closing the door and taking off her shoes,

"No need to rush Jen, it's just me." Jennie scoffed as Lisa entered the kitchen and seating herself down onto one of the stools at the counter. She rested her elbow onto the marble like surface and placed her chin on her palm, watching the older one move around naturally around the kitchen.

"Exactly, You're you and you deserve a nice damn meal so get your cute butt off my stool and set up the table," she playfully demanded with a wink from over her shoulder. Pushing away the blush that was fighting itself out, Lisa chuckled while lifting both of her hands up in surrender,

"Jeez, so demanding," Lisa teased. It wasn't the first time Lisa ate at Jennie's place, so it was easy for her to maneuver around the kitchen without asking where everything was. And, knowing that, and knowing that Jennie had complete trust in her to move around her apartment freely, Lisa felt...well...happy. Lisa had to admit, Jennie really did make her happy.

"She's an idiot..."

"Lisa! Don't say that! She's clearly in love!"

"Yeah, an idiot in love." Lisa spoke out with an eye roll. Jennie scoffed once more looking deeply offended but still laughed nonetheless, playfully nudging Lisa's side. The silver haired girl laughed lightly along with her while motioning towards the screen,

"I mean, come on!" She groaned. "Who in their right mind would transform into a human for a some prince? The mermaid life looks so much easier if you asked me," Lisa huffed out. Jennie playfully rolled her eyes,

"Oh hush, go easy on the poor little girl and stop being such a grumpy pants," the brunette teased.

"I am not being a grumpy pants. I'm simply stating facts and the fact is Ariel is an idiot," Lisa stated, leaning back into the couch and crossing her arms with a pout but that pout immediately vanished as soon as Jennie giggled while pinching her cheek,

"Awww look at that pout. What a baby." Lisa gasped and whined while pulling off Jennie's hand from her cheek and unconsciously holding it over her lap.

"I am not a baby!"

Jennie giggled while leaning her head on Lisa shoulders that were very much close to tensing up from the sudden contact. It was hard enough not to blush with how their thighs were pressed against each other, especially when Jennie was only wearing shorts.

But, with how Jennie was soothingly caressing her thumb against the pad of Lisa's hand and how she could clearly feel the brunette cuddling closer to her side, Lisa knew she looked as red as a strawberry. Thankfully Jennie's attention was solely on the screen.

She doesn't remember how they've gotten so close to the point holding hands was normal or cuddling on the couch for that matter. But, what she also learned from knowing Jennie for half a year is that the girl was just a touchy person. No deeper meanings to it, unfortunately.

"Aren't you tired?" Jennie asked quietly. "It's already almost 10." If Lisa had to be honest, she was extremely tired, but she rather be sleepy than remove herself from Jennie's warmth. The taller one shook her head and squeezed Jennie's hand,

"Not even a little bit," Lisa glanced down a bit and felt herself grinning from the sight of Jennie's smile.


Before Jennie could finished her sentence, Both of their heads turned towards the door the moment a knock was made. Jennie sighed and slowly removed herself from Lisa.

Lisa could've sworn she heard a curse word coming out of Jennie's mouth in a hush like tone, but Lisa paid little attention to it. She only focused on the sudden cold, empty feeling of not having Jennie beside her.

"Who is it?" Jennie asked.

"It's me babe." Lisa stiffened and watched as Jennie's hand stilled over the door knob for a second before slowly reaching forward and opening the door where she was now face to face to the man that stood as a barrier for Lisa. He blocked her path that had slowly began to reach for Jennie.

"Hey," Jennie said, embracing the man in a way that had Lisa ripping her eyes away, down to her fists that were clenched over her lap.

"What're you doing here? It's late. Don't you have work tomorrow?" She heard Jennie ask after hearing a small peck. She closed her eyes, trying to pretend she didn't just hear them share a kiss.

"Nope, I have a day off tomorrow so I thought I could surprise you and spend the night here."

Lisa heard enough.

She slowly stood up and faced the two. The boyfriend looked over and widened his eyes in surprised,

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company babe," he then scanned Lisa's face in confusion before grinning as familiarity settled in, "You're her new neighbor I'm assuming? Hi, I'm Taehyung. I believe we met before?" He asked, extending his hand out for a handshake. Lisa walked over with a smile that didn't reach her eyes as she politely accepted his hand.

"Lisa. And, yes we briefly met in the elevator my first day here," Lisa said, removing her hold and placing them inside the pockets of her jacket. "And on that note, I'm going to head out. I'm feeling pretty tired," she said, meeting Jennie's eyes that suddenly looked sad.

"I thought you said you weren't tired? Don't you want to finish the movie?" Jennie spoke gently as her eyes scanned doe eyes that continued to look everywhere but at her own. Lisa didn't want Jennie to see the sadness in them.

"It kind of hit me out of no where if I'm going to be honest," Lisa chuckled out as she began to make her way out the door. "Have a good night you two and it was nice to officially meet you Taehyung." He smiled politely and sent a curt nod,

"You too Lisa."

She then met Jennie's eyes and softened her own, smiling warmly at the smaller one who had a pout on her lips. She placed her hand over Jennie's shoulder and squeezed, as if to reassure her that she was fine, when in reality she had never felt so tired and sad all at once.

"Goodnight, Jen."

Jennie sighed and placed her over Lisa's, "Goodnight, Lis."

Lisa pulled away and turned around, smile dropping and eyes drooping in sadness.

Feelings, always the dangerous one.

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