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Lulu is super sweet, I think she would good be a good mom. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and I want you guys to know I love and care for you all deeply and if you ever need someone to talk to, I will listen. I don't care if you message me in a month or a whole year, just tell me you saw this and I will be there - Rain

 I don't care if you message me in a month or a whole year, just tell me you saw this and I will be there - Rain

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Age: 2 months old

As Jeff and I walked down the hall, we talked about what Slender could have wanted. He had just called a meeting with everyone in the living room. I held Jeff's hand, the cold hardwood floor practically freezing my bare feet. "Jeff, do you think we did something bad?" I asked in a meek tone that I only get when I'm scared. "Nah we're fine Lu. I'm sure it's just a rundown of what's happening this month and future missions." He said is his normally gruff voice, I smiled to myself, 'He is such a great mentor' I thought.

We finally made our way down the stairs and found the large group. Jeff and I spotted Bloody Rain, or as they tell everyone to call them, Nico. "Oh heya, Lulu, Jeff, did you hear we're getting a new member today-" They were cut off by a shrill cry, my head snapped towards the noise. What I see shock's me, Ben holding a baby. It was around 2 to 3 months old, I struggled to get out of the arms of the elf-like boy. "Why is she crying!? All I'm doing is holding her!" He exclaimed frustrated. (My sister has the same problem, all baby's just straight up don't like my sister XD) I walked over to the short male, swiftly taking the crying child out of his pale, cold arms. I began to soothe the baby quickly, she slowly stopped crying and started to reach for my long black hair. I laughed at this slightly she was a very curious baby, her (eye description) eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder. She gave off an aura that screamed child innocence. She began to laugh and I see that she has a mouth full of shark-like teeth! She's only around 2 months how can she have such sharp teeth!?

My thoughts were answered by the static-filled voice in my head that belonged to Slenderman. "She is no ordinary child, see she was born on (Birthday) but when her mother had started off the day, she had not been pregnant. Her mother was also single and had never had intercourse. That child is truly extraordinary. Her mother died yesterday and someone decided to dump her in the forest."( UMBRELLA ACADEMY REFRENCE ANYBODY!?!?!?) He finished, his tone held disbelief and a hint of anger.I look down at the baby, she had drifted off to sleep in my arms. "Slender, if you don't mind sir, may I watch over her from now on? I want to be her new mother." I said firmly, I radiated determination. Slender probably would have a shocked expression if he had a face, he thought for a moment but Jeff cut in. "Lulu are you serious? Raising a kid is like, HUGE! But if you are serious about this you can count on me to back you up and help any way I can!" Said Jeff, his already permanent grin grew larger. I nodded my head and smiled and looked back at Slender. He sighed and nodded his head, " Alright my answer is yes, we were already planning on keeping her though." He said chuckling.

I looked down at her, "I'm going to call her (Y/n). Now my little lullaby let's get you to bed." I said taking her to my bedroom, I walk inside to see a new door I opened it to see a new nursery. I put her inside and started to sing,

Hush little (Nickname),don't say a word,

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Hush little (Nickname),don't say a word,

Lulu's gonna catch you a mocking bird.

And if that mocking bird don't sing, 

Jeff's gonna chop someone's diamond ring.

And if that diamond ring turns brass, 

slendy's gonna hand you a looking glass~

When I was finished I kissed her forehead tenderly, "Good night my little Lullaby sleep dreams."

Alrighty peep's! That chapter was super fun to write, I even got a chance to put in Bloody Rain (Nico) who is basically my self insert / oc. I will be doing a chapter about and with them sooner or later idek lol. Anyways this chapters quote is,

"It's not that I don't enjoy being alive, but my favorite part of being alive is being asleep." -I don't really know but that right there is super relatable don't judge me bro...

Anyway remember guys,

have a very rainy day- Rain

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