Slenderman x Cervitaur! Reader

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Hey guys I got some AMAZING suggestions but this one really stuck out to me!! So here you go  @Phobosleftballsack I hope you enjoy this!!! 

Also, a Cervitaur for anyone who doesn't know is a half deer- half-human!! They have the lower body of a dear and from the waist up they are a human, think of a centaur but instead of a horse a deer!!!

Also, a Cervitaur for anyone who doesn't know is a half deer- half-human!! They have the lower body of a dear and from the waist up they are a human, think of a centaur but instead of a horse a deer!!!

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Imagine something like this!

AGE: 9

Your Pov

They let me go.... After years of being in that cold hell, I get knocked unconscious and put into the middle of no where, all alone,  no family or home to go to... I tried my way through the snow, as it lightly falls from the greying sky it sticks to my fur. Walking in snow would be fairly easy if I had control over my wobboly legs, the small click and crunch of hooves on snow follow me as I walk.

I was born like this, but so were the rest of children in the... Hospital...

We are a rare group of hybrids, kept away from the world, but in the section of the hospital I was kept in, we were called the x-class. The hybrids we vicious and cruel, basically as savage as their wild halves. I have the ugly scars to prove it, I was put there 3 years after I was captured, living those first three years in a isolated cell. I spent next three in the x-class containment branch.

I have forgotten what my mother and father were like, all I remember is the sound of gunshots and the small tribe of cervitaurs I lived with was dead, they only wanted the children, the teenagers would resist too much as they said, I was three at the time, the only child in the tribe. I felt my doey eyes prick with tears, they fall to the snowy ground. 

I never knew why they put me in the x-class, I have always been meek, more prey than a predator. I remember the day I had managed to finally speak, I asked why I was there and all the doctors did was smile wickedly and say, "You're a monster, you could hurt people, so we have to lock you up for the sake of the world!" She cackled as she noticed the fat glob like tears forming in my (Eye description) eyes.

I felt my nose twitch and skin prick as the hairs stood up on the back of my neck, even my fluffy (Shade of brown) ears twitched up from their previously drooped state. Someone was near by, and the smell of blood made my heart beat against my ribs even harder. Muffled voices sounded from what felt like every direction. But the smell of blood was distinct and came from my left.

I felt my slender furry legs daintily walk across the snow, no noise could be heard from me, not even a breath.I ducked behind a fallen pine tree, still lush and green. The snow started to fall just a bit harder, but nothing significant. 

"Toby I swear on fucking Slender, if you hadn't been so slow, we would have been able to meet Nico at the fucking get-away car, but noooo you saw a fucking dog with three heads and got distracted!" Yelled a pissed of man with a white mask with black eyes, lips, and even eyebrows.

"It's not m-my fuckin-g fault! I can't f-fucking c-control this shit!! And you were the one who told Nico the wait at the e-end of the street! Not m-me! You m-mother fucking- what the hell is that a fucking kid?"He cut himself off mid-argument when we made direct eye contact.He pointed at me, as I sat to shocked and scared to move a muscel.

"Toby what the actual fuc- holy shit you were right, look Maksy!" Said the third man in light shock. He wore a bright yellow hoodie, with dark jeans and a skee mask with a red stiched frown. The one named Toby wore a stripy face mask and a striped hoodie in earthy tones, however the most noticeable thing is the two blood stained hatchets on is thin waist and hips.

"Hey little o-one it's o-ok! W-We aren't gonna hurt y-you. We j-just want to k-know what you a-are doing out h-here," Toby paused inching his was gently over towards me. I nearly fainted and skidded back, letting out a whine as the thick sent of blood filled my nose. My eyes dart to the weapons, he seemed to notice and slowly took off the belt and tossed it to his side. 

"Toby what the actual hell are you doing?" Question the man in the white mask. "Shut up Masky, call slender and get him over here." He hissed annoyed at Maskys constant jabs. "Dont be scared, I wanna help." Toby  reached for my small hand, I didn't pull away as he guided me over the tree stump, all three men let out gasps of shock as they saw my lower body.

At that moment the air grew  thick, everything got colder. Anxiey racked through me like violent waves in a stormy sea. Then static filled my delicate ears, not much happed to me though as one of the devious torture methods they used to see if I was dangerous was getting me overstimulated me by sounds like static, breaking glass, breaking bones, etc.

Then I saw him... I felt no fear, how could I when he was one of the protectors of my people? Some called him a forest spirit, others called them ghosts, but his kind has watched over mine for centuries. They kept the humans away, while my kind kept the forest lush and happy, it was our secred roles embedded sense birth.

"Little deer, where is your heard? You are the first of your kind I have seen in a long time, where have you all gone?" He asked. I looked meekly at the slender giant, "I am the last of them, they were shot dead by hunters 6 years ago..." I muttered out, fighting tears at the painful memory that haunted my mind.

"That is truly unfortunate, I strongly empathiseze. I must notice however you look to be in need of assistance, perhaps a place to stay?" He gently asked, my heart skipped beats! I smiled brightly and joyfully hopped through the snow nearly knocking into Toby in my excitement, his seemed to match mine.

(Enjoy this cute video)

I no longer felt cold, i have in fact never felt this warm in my entire life!

I hope you guys enjoyed this, I loved writing this, it also gives you guys something to read so you can avoid speaking to your family, happy thanks giving!!!

This chapters quote,

"Seek respect not attention, it lasts longer"

-Ziad Abdelnour

And remember peeps,

have a very rainy day,


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