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Your POV

I walked around with my stuffed (fav animal), my daddy held my hand as he walked with me into the forest, my mom walking on the other side of me. They both looked very mad, I think I wasn't supposed to kill the lady next door, but mommy said all the time she wanted her gone! I wiped the tears away, because I knew what happened when mommy and daddy were angry they did bad things. They told me to stand up against a very large oak tree, I did as told knowing that if I don't they will get even angrier. Mommy continued to drink her special juice, it always made her upset with me, I don't like special juice. 

"Bye (Y/n)." Said my dad, I didn't understand what he meant until he pulled out a gun, I didn't have time to freeze. I moved over thankful for my reflex, mommy and daddy gave me in the lab, they gave me lots of things. "y-you tried to kill me dad..." I whispered as fear grew in their eyes, the once warm feeling in the air gone in an instant.The feeling of the warm suns rays gone, now the clear blue sky is the grey before the storm. The temperature dropped, my (eye description) now glassy and my pupils splitting in two. My small mouth splitting into a wide sick grin. I watched their body's freeze, they were paralyzed in fear. It was as if time stopped, I grabbed the bottle from my mother and smashed it against the tree and in one movement I used the broken bottle to slit my "mothers" throat.

When time caught up again I was covered with her blood the sound of her drowning in her own blood met my ears, but I kept a serious, board look present on my face. My father gasped not knowing what just happened to his precious wife. I kicked him in the chest, he fell on his butt and coughed. My hands turned stone like with a sharp tip, sharper than a knife (Think of Killua from Hunter x Hunter) I stabbed him in the chest and like that, it was over they were dead. I felt nothing except numbness. I turned around but was met by a tall faceless man, with white paper skin, around 7 feet tall. He wore a nice suit and had strange tentacle like things, I felt feeling was back over me. The realization set in, I had killed my only family and I had no where to go! Tear leaked from my eyes, I hugged the legs of the man he tensed up at this. I all of a sudden feel like a sharp pain in my head, static rang through my brain. My head hurt so bad it hurt to breath I was sobbing! Finally it stopped and I heard a deep voice that soothed me immediately, "Hello (y/n), my name is Slenderman and I have witnessed your ability's and would like you to come live with me and allow me to watch over you as my own. I realize that you are like me and I hope to teach you the ways of a proxy child." he said I nodded my head and hugged his legs tightly, "Thank you father..." I whispered.

Hey peeps I hope y'all liked the chapter, soon our mamma's with come to town

the quote of the chapter is,

"You can never plan the future by the past"- Edmund Burke

Anyway remember people,

have a very rainy day-Rain

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