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Leo's POV

Ostin stared, bug-eyed at all of his friends.
"Are you crazy?" He shouted, "He says he's the son of the God of Blacksmiths, and you all just believe him immediately? He could be faking! He could be Elgen! And Calypso? How would she even get off Ogygia? Serio-"
"Dude," I interrupted, "shut up. Let's just find a way to prove we're not lying." I went on grumbling for a bit, and, 'dragon', 'fire', and 'totally proof already' are all the words you need to know. When I finished, Calypso and I looked at Ostin, awaiting orders.
Ostin finally seemed to realize this and started, "Leo, if that's your real name-"

"No," I drawled sarcastically, "my real name is Super Sized McShizzle."
Ostin ignored me,
"Roll up your sleeve. No, actually, strip."
I totally flipped.
"I'll roll up my sleeve, or even take off my shirt, but no way am I stripping in front of strangers I met in the jungle!"
"Ok fine," continued Ostin, "take off your shirt."
I obeyed. No one looked very surprised to see that I was pretty skinny, and had almost no muscle.
"Now do the flame thing again."
My hands burst into flames, casting an eerie glow around the clearing we were in.
I grinned, they had great shock faces, and decided to show off.
The flames grew, until they spiraled up my arms and down my chest. Then, I got an idea.
I took a deep breath in, concentrated, and spewed fire all over the place.

"Gah! What the heck dude?" Jack screamed, trying to beat out the flame that had caught on his shirt. I was too excited to care, I could breathe fire!

I'm sorry that it's so short! I haven't had a lot of time lately, but I'll try to do better. Don't hate me plz omg

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