"There seems to be something to land on." Murasakibara found what looked like a landing for submarines. "Should we land on it?" 

"That is our best option." Midorima loaded up his sniper gun, ready to shoot to kill, "Chairo, I want you and Kise to tun out of the room and start heading to the lower floors." Midorima then looked at Kise, "Kise, protect her with everything you have." 


"Midorima, don't lose." Mitsuru gave him a light punch before standing near the door with Kise.

"Hmph, who do you think you are talking to?" 

The invisible submarine landed on the landing. A thin glass covered the submarine and started to drain the water before allowing it to come into the sphere. 

"Hm?" The soldiers in charge of keeping an eye of what's coming into the sphere saw the landing elevating down but there was nothing on it. 

"What is going on?" A commander came forward and he can see the landing returning without a thing on it. 

"Sir! We seem to have some malfunction here!" 

"I can see that, fool! I am asking why that is!" 

"No idea, sir!" 

"Go tell those nerds at the science sector to come and fix it!" 

"Yes, si-" He was shot by Midorima the moment Kuroko stopped using the Misdirection Overflow on the submarine. The submarine now became visible and then the commander was shot too. Their deaths made the entire room's soldiers panic and everyone rushed to get their weapons. 

"Fools, you just made it easier for me to shoot you since you are all gathering in one place." Midorima aimed and shoot with ease, he's got a bored look on his face since it was easy. 

The soldiers who managed to get a weapon, stood near the door of their submarine. 

"Get out of the fucking way!" Mitsuru kicked the door down and threw a military knife at a soldier's forehead. 

Kise found another door instantly and he tapped her shoulder and silently signalled her to follow him. 

Midorima watched Kise and Mitsuru get to the other door and he smiled slightly, "Come back safe, Chairo." He then focused back on the enemy. He watched Aomine take them all down like a pro. They will have full control of this room before they know it and he wouldn't even need to use his Soul Key. 

"Mido-chin, should I go too?" 

"No, we'll go together." He looked back to see Murasakibara had tied his hair, something he would do when he's serious, "We'll take full control of this room and then we will find your friend..." 

"Thank you." 

Elsewhere, Nameless watched Newton's cradle go back and forth all the time. 

"If I were to stop the pendulum, the motion stops. If I make it move, the motion will continuously without rest. Isn't the Newton's cradle an interesting thing, Akashi Seijuurou..." He watched the CCTV recording of Akashi walking towards his tower.

Akashi's eyes showed no fear and he was carrying his blades, preparing to fight. The soldiers warned him not to come near but he did not stop. They shot missiles at him but he just cut them away like it was nothing. 


The people within the science sector were conducting their experiments in secret, altering the possibilities of human beings. They heard the news that the Kiseki no Sedai infiltrated their way into their secret experiment ground. 

"What do we do now?"

"Our secrets will be exposed." 

"The Human Rights group will put a stop to everything." 

"Everything we worked for will become useless!" 

"I don't want many years of my work to go to waste!"

Many of the scientists were very worried because they didn't want their many years of hardworkto go to waste just because of some kids. They were stressing because their work was not complete and everything was going to disappear in a matter of seconds...

"Nameless already have majority of our data, he will just restart it for us..." 

"Nameless will create a completely new world once he gets these Miracles our the way..." 

"Our work is not for nothing!" 

"What should we do...?" 

"Release the Angels..."

♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Where stories live. Discover now