Chapter 14

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Hey people! Please don't mind this teeny tiny author's note. I just want to say that the pictures I put before may not necessarily be related to the chapter. Sometimes, I might not find something related to the chapter, so I'll put something I thought was funny or beautiful enough to be shared. That's all! Enjoy the chapter!

 That's all! Enjoy the chapter!

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✱Emma's POV✱

After the whole prank incident, the rest of the group also came to my house and we all decided to watch a movie together.

After a while, Ryan said that Theo and he had to leave. When asked why, he hesitated.

After pestering him - more like threatening to cut off his balls in his sleep- he gave in and said that they both had a match tonight. He then went on and explained about how Ben, Theo and him fought in boxing matches and earned money.

That brings us to now where Theo and I are in his car, on our way to the gym where their match was. The others would first go to Ryan's house so he could collect his stuff and then join us in the gym. Apparently Theo had a permanent room there and he kept all his stuff there.

I watched with wide eyes as we pulled into a very familiar parking lot of 'Rico's Ring'. No, not this place. I turned to Theo with pleading eyes, "Please tell me that this is not where you guys fight."

"No it's not. I just brought you here to show you the place. Of course it's where we fight. Why else would I bring you here?" He shot back sarcastically.

I just gulped and looked out of the window as he parked his car.

"What's wrong with it? It's not illegal or anything like that."

"I know." My voice came out in a hoarse whisper as I tried to push back the images of that day. The day I began hating this place.

"You alright?" He asked me, attempting to keep his face emotionless while doing so, but you could see the concern in his eyes. I don't think he realizes how his eyes always give away what he's feeling. They express what he tries to hide.

"I'm fine. I just-" My sadness turned into anger and hurt when I saw 2 familiar figures standing a bit far from where Theo was parking his car.

"Quick question. Which is the one language you don't know at all?"

"There are a lot, but I guess one of them would be French."

"Perfect. You said that you and Noah were planning to meet this Saturday right?"

"It's my turn now!"

I glared at him.

"Yes, we have decided to meet this Saturday."

"Well, you'll meet him today."

"What?! Are you saying that he's here?" He said, looking around, trying to find Noah as he pulled in to a parking spot.

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