Chapter 5

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✱Emma's POV✱

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✱Emma's POV✱

I had always believed that dance was a form of releasing stress. In fact, many times it has worked really well as a stress buster. But, for the first time in my life, dance is giving me a terrible headache.

Well, that is if you don't count the time I was trying to teach Carter how to Waltz and he dropped me while attempting a dip which ended up with me having a bump at the back of my head.

Get back to the topic Emma....

Right. Sorry...

Currently, I am getting so annoyed at the grey eyed boy sitting in front of me that I want to strangle him. The reason not only being that he was rejecting every idea I came up with and not giving any of his own ideas. This is the second strike.

The first strike was when he, after coming to house, asked where my parents were and when I said that I don't live with them, he had the audacity to say that I was a ' Daddy's little princess who was trying to prove to him that I can live on my own' - his words, not mine.

One more strike, and Blake Ryder is soo gone.

Yeah, this is me being my overdramatic self, please don't mind.

"Ryder, come on. Your not liking any of my ideas and you're not giving any either."

"Blue, I already told you, I am not a choreographer. You come up with an idea and the steps and I follow them and make the act perfect." He shrugged.

"Ugh! You're so annoying. I come up with the idea, I choreograph the routine and you say that you just following it will make you the one who perfected it. Damn, could you get any cockier?"

And that was when the bulb above my head decided to glow.

What if we had a dance-off?

That way, we won't have to fake any kind of lovey dovey crap and it will be easier to plan and learn the steps in such a short notice. We just had to act as if we were challenging each other, which I feel won't be that difficult considering how we behave around each other.

I explained my idea to Ryder and was not surprised when he agreed to go ahead with it.


*Does a mental victory dance*

I showed him to a guest room and gave him a pair of Carter's sweatpants and wife beaters he could change into. He said that it would take him a while since he wanted to take a shower, something about not wanting his sweat to smell like coffee and Gatorade, so I told him the directions to the dance studio- yes, this house has a dance studio, get over it- and went to change my clothes.

After changing into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top, I went upstairs with 2 water bottles in my hand to where the studio was.

I set everything up and started stretching. 5 minutes into stretching, I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

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