Auschwitz - 2019

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Note : this text is based on my experience, my feelings of my visit to Auschwitz in Poland. For those who wouldn't know, it's a concentration camp from WW2 where Jews and other minorities were exterminated.

The letters are cut clear
Black against the blue of the sky
The hairs on my back of my neck rise
My eyes prickle, annoucing tears

I see the concrete
I am here
I can feel the fear
I sense the defeat

All these remains
Witnesses of the pain
The building
Holding the marks
Like the skin
Holding the scars

The bullet holes
Create breaches in my soul
The room of hair
Makes me running for air *

The chambers of steel
Full of the cries
Of all these people
Yelling fo their lives

I feel ill
Time has slowed still
The ghosts of this land
Grasp my hand

Suddenly I'm in front of the gate
Where the trains brought fate
To the humans associated
With so much hate

The evening is falling
Accompagnied by a haze
Surrounding everything
Making me fazed

I walk
Staring straight ahead
So afraid
To hear a bark **

Strangely, the urge to run
Is all I feel
I long for the sun
And for the sky to clear

* In Auschwitz, the buildings have been refurbished with explanations and objects from the time. In one of the rooms, there's an enormous box filled with hair. Hair that was shaved from the women's heads.

**Guards in the camps usually had dogs with them to scare the prisoners.

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