I forget - 2021

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Everytime I'm in the sun, everytime I'm on a run, I forget.

Everytime I wear yellow, orange or purple and feel pretty and happy, I forget.

I forget this black hole inside my head where the tormentor is.

I forget his voice and the images he tries to send to break me and swallow me whole.

But everytime, at some point, life is not enough to keep him at bay anymore.

The pull is too strong and I'm slowly taken to the black hole.

Once I'm there, my emotions freeze. Everything becomes so...cold.

The closer I get, the less I feel. Except for pain. Always the pain.

My movements come to a stop, impossible to move, to turn and try and float away.

I get scared. I can feel it coming from my icy center, covering me inch by inch until every millimeter of my skin is covered.

My breath contracts and my breathing hitches. I hear the voice loud and clear.

My body trembles at depth of the sound, and the power of it. It gets louder and louder.

"You are nothing".

"You deserve nothing".

I feel nothing, until...everything black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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