Chapter 15 (New)

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Canada's POV:

I had the worst headache, but I was glad that my Ukraine was back. I wasn't sure what I would have done if he was away from me for a moment longer. I know Australia did something to him, I just hope Ukraine shared nothing he wasn't supposed to.

I paid France a visit while I let England take care of Ukraine. I had sent no one to feed her or check on her for a while. She probably wasn't doing very well, but she deserved it. I stood at her door and pulled out the key.

"If she killed herself, I will cause far more harm to Europe than anyone ever did before," I sighed, stressfully.

I unlocked the door and immediately I could hear her trying to grapple at the door handle from the other side. I opened the door and kicked her back. She was crying a lot, but not because I kicked her.

"Hello Mom, you seem to not be handling the recent events very well, do you?" I grinned. She looked up at me weakly and tried to back away from me.

I followed her as she crawled to the back of the room where I cornered her. She muttered curses at me as she curled up in a ball.

"Stand up, I will take you to the mental recovery unit." I smiled as I held out my hand to her. I could see the flash of panic in her eyes. Seeing people fear you is the best feeling in the world. Just letting people know that they are worthless against your power.

She tried to stand up as she trembled in fear and lent against the wall. When she was finally upright, I pulled out the little handgun I had on me and aimed it at her head.

"Now, follow me," I commanded.

I led her out of her room and down the hallway. I had to hold the gun to her head the whole way because it is the only way to convince her to follow. We reached the door of the mental recovery unit and I pushed her inside. She fell to the floor and tried to crawl away.

I flicked on the lights to the room to show her her new home for a while. It was a dull room, even with the lights on. There were two smallish beds. On one, laid Switzerland, who weakly looked over at us. On the other bed was a large bloodstain. I had tried to wash it out, but I had no success.

Switzerland mumbled something and started crying. I closed the door behind France and me and walked over to see how Switzerland was doing.

"Are you feeling better yet?" I asked. I could hear France trying to escape the room, but the door was locked, and she was too weak to even try opening the door. Switzerland mumbled something panickedly and tried to move around. He was having trouble talking, but that is expected for someone with no tongue.

Nepal's POV:

Being a ghost is surely an experience but after a while, it gets boring and lonely and then the people that can see you dob you in. I have avoided being captured for a few years now, and I knew all of Australia's plans. They were very dark and twisted.

A good question to ask would be: Why are you dead Nepal? Tell me that story. Well, alright then.

In short, I was wiped out by Australia shortly after they divided the world under the four Empires. Because of past friendships with New Zealand, I had sided with him during the Sabotage war. Well, that's what they call it here. Anyway, Australia did not appreciate my allyship towards his brother and well, here I am. Dead.

Now don't get confused. Yes, I'm talking to you, yes I'm breaking the fourth wall, but I got permission because you do not understand how boring it is being a ghost! Now I could go on and rant about being a ghost, but I made a deal with the author to provide background to you guys. Now I don't know all the background, just the stuff that has been happening and has happened in the Australian Empire and New Zealand Empire.

I guess we should start with the Sabotage war. It was the first official war that triggered this whole Empirical rule thing. About 5 or 6 years ago, North Korea threatened to nuke Japan. Australia sided with Japan and soon North Korea turned his attention off of Japan and onto Australia. After a while, Australia was having trouble fighting North Korea alone and called on the help of his closest ally. New Zealand.

New Zealand agreed and sent aid and troops to assist in the war, but after a while, New Zealand saw an opportunity to become powerful and set in play a small plan which comprised New Zealand troops tampering with the Australian aircraft, weaponry and communications systems.

It didn't take long for the Australian troops to figure out that the New Zealand troops were sabotaging the war. Australia confronted New Zealand on the issue and told New Zealand to evacuate his troops or they would be killed. New Zealand refused and fought back with everything he had. As Australia was finding it difficult to take down New Zealand and North Korea at the same time, he was very weak and unable to defend himself.

It was during the Sabotage war that Australia lost his eye to New Zealand. Australia claimed that he was not the same and was using a new flag. Eventually, New Zealand convinced the surrounding countries and islands, and even me, to join and help fight against Australia.

Australia called on some allies in Asia to help defend, but they came at a checkmate when New Zealand had occupied Papua New Guinea. They say it was his plan all along, to get Papua New Guinea. Australia had had enough and the Sabotage war ended with no treaty. They were both rivals.

The war with North Korea ended because of American intervention a year after the Sabotage war ended.

And that's the history of the Sabotage War.

I have gotten permission to answer questions any of you may have, whether it be about the Empires, the history, Australia's twisted plan or about being a ghost!

You can ask me anything relevant and I will answer your questions throughout the rest of the story, just ask in the comments and start with; Hey Nepal,...

I'm happy to answer as much as I can!

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