Chapter 31 - Christmas special part 1

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America's POV:

"Merry Christmas, everyone!!" I announced loudly through the speakers. It was my favourite time of year and I always went all out to celebrate. Everyone had the day off to celebrate and exchange gifts with each other, and then we all have a big Christmas dinner.

I picked up the large sack of presents and headed out of the door to deliver them to everyone.

As I walked down the hallways, I dropped the presents off at the right doors and wished everyone I passed a Merry Christmas. Everyone seemed so sour, I always try my best to make sure this time of the year is happy, but everyone just prefers to drink.

I miss the old days, when we had family Christmas. It was Canada, Australia and I. We always had the best fun. New Zealand never showed up, though. Know that I think about it. Ever since New Zealand moved out, he hasn't shown up to any family events. He enjoys being isolated; I guess.

Suddenly, a plan came to my head.

"Mexico! Let the other Empires know that I am declaring war on them and tell them that I will see them on the battlefield at 12 0' clock," I announced, only to realise that everyone had the day off and that Mexico wasn't working.

"I guess I will do it myself, then," I sighed as I walked back to my office to start sending out the transmission to my brothers.

If anything will reunite us again, it's a war. Well, a fake war at least. I really hope this doesn't turn into World War 4. That would be bad.

"Good morning my dear brothers, I am sending you this transmission to let you know that I am declaring war on you. See you at the battlefield at 12 on the dot," I said into the recorder and sent it as a transmission.

I sat down in my chair and waited to receive confirming transmissions, but they didn't come. So instead of waiting, I got ready for the interaction and collect some Christmas Lights and a good Christmas lunch and headed out to the battlefield to set up.

As I arrived at the battlefield, I set up a table and strung lights around it. I sat waiting for my brothers.

"Why am I doing this? They will never fall for it." I sighed to myself as the watch on my wrist passed 12. I let out a small sigh and looked around. I knew I only did this because I missed the old days. I don't move on easily.

I must admit I was acting a little hopeful, but suddenly, I saw the Canadian tanks rolling up. I probably should have thought this through.

"America! What the F#ck is this!!" Canada shouted angrily as he got out of his tank and marched over to me.

"Uh, Merry Christmas, care for lunch?" I greeted. He was not happy.

New Zealand Empire's POV:

I was working on a plan to get Papua New Guinea back without letting America know how much she is actually worth. My son, Samoa, was with me, helping and offering ideas when I heard a knock at the door Niue walked in as if he had news.

"Mr NZE, we have received a transmission from the American Empire saying that they are declaring war on all the Empires," Niue said as he opened the door.

"Tell him no." I responded. I was too busy to go to war with him at the moment. He could just wait.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you can't postpone war. And hiding is seen as cowardice, which could damage your reputation," Samoa added.

"You have a point. Maybe we could use this to our advantage." I thought out loud.

"So what are the orders?" Niue asked.

"We will send 25% of the troops fully armed and with a back up wave if things get out of hand," I ordered.

"Samoa, can you organise this?" I asked. Samoa nodded and walked out of the room to announce this to everyone.

"Niue, you work with the spies, what do you know about this war?" I asked Niue.

"I don't know anything. It was so sudden, and I hadn't gotten any warnings from either of the spies in the American Empire. It's like they are on some kind of holiday," Niue answered.

"Dammit. What could that fool be planning!" I questioned.

"I'm not sure, but if anything comes up, I will let you know immediately," He nodded.

Samoa entered the room again to tell me that the troops were all ready to leave when commanded. Looking at the time, at this rate, we would be fashionably late. Good.

We hoped in our tanks, and we were. This had to be worth it.

"Now that I think about it, do you think Australia will show up? The last time I saw his face was when I mutilated his eye. Good times," I said.

"It was addressed to all the Empires, so I'm assuming so," Samoa said.

"I can't wait to see his pathetic face again and see my masterpiece," I said to myself.

"I know you are my dad and all that, but, you really concern me. Maybe you should get some help," Samoa added.

"I did not ask for your input. And you should know by now that everyone is a little sadistic." I smiled.

"No, but seriously. Why are you proud of stabbing your brother? Doesn't it sound a little twisted?"

"He was vulnerable. What did you expect me to do? Help him or start an Empirical rule. It was any easy choice," I explained.

"Hey, we are almost there," Samoa said. I opened the hatch and saw Canadian tanks waiting on the field and... a colourfully lit table.

"That doesn't make sense?" I muttered.

"Um, Mr NZE. I think I know what's going on," Samoa said as he looked down at his phone.

"What?!" I demanded.

"It's Christmas day,"

"GOD F#CKING DAMNIT!" I shouted loudly.

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