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10:51 am*

History class is coming to an end. I was not really paying attention to the lectures, instead, I was staring at the board, pretending to listen.

I was waiting for History class to end. I just want to eat already!

"Ms. Lim! Are you paying attention to lessons?"

"Yes sir, I am." I politely said.

The professor continued to teach.

11:14 am*

Still History class. Our professor extended the class for 20 more minutes.

11:21 am*

"Class is dismissed. You can eat lunch now." The professor said as he fixed his belongings, getting ready to leave the room.

The students ran outside, Sohee and Minhee had to go to the library, so I went with Jinsung who was in the other class.

We ate lunch together, and he even walked me back to our room.

11:39 am*

Jinsung was walking beside me. He's taking me back to our room, as we talked about academics.

"I failed our Math test." He said, looking down.

I laughed. "I failed Math AND History! What are you sad about?"

"You need to study more." He said.

"I always do. My mind isn't ready for the torture of those two."

"Whatever floats your boat. But you still have to study."

"Yeah yeah. I'm staying at the library later after school."

"So? You're studying?"

"Yep. And,"

"And what?"

"Can I borrow your jacket? It's cold in there." I smiled at him. "Can I?"

"I have an extra in my locker, I'll give it to you later."

I widely smiled at him. "Thanks!"

"Don't give the jacket back, it's yours."

My eyes widened. "Wait really?"

"You always forget your jackets, so I'm giving you one."

"Thanks!" I exclaimed.

2:34 pm*

Class for today is dismissed! I am currently putting back my books in my locker.

"Jinsung! Can I borrow your jacket now?" I asked.

He took out his jacket and passed it to me. "It's yours now."

"Thanks!" I smiled and ran to the library with my belongings.

5:27 pm*

"The library's closing at 6 pm! Students, you can pack up now." The librarian announced.

Students left, some placed back the books in their places.

I stood up, swinging my bag and wore it on my shoulder. I returned the books to where they were placed. After that, left the library.

I bought iced coffee so I can quench on my thirst as I walk home.

"I'm home- Sunghoon?" I entered the house, but froze on my spot seeing him with Sohee.

"Hi! Where were you? I thought you went missing?" He said.

"I just stayed at the library."

"Whose jacket is that? Isn't that Jinsung's?" Sohee asked.

Sipping on my drink, I nodded. "He gave it to me."

"For what reason?" Sunghoon asked.

"He said I always forget my jackets so... yeah." I said taking off my shoes and walked to my room to change into an oversized hoodie and a pair of black shorts.

"Why is he here?" I whispered to myself.

"I'm here because I was actually waiting for you." A male voice said, causing me to flinch.

"You scared me." I said, pouting.

He giggled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I glared at him. "Don't go in my room. Don't even open my door."

"No. Not going anywhere." He, once again, giggled.

I raised my fist. "Leave. Leave before I punch you."

He stood there. He didn't leave. I ran to him, about to hit him, but instead, he hugged me giving me a kiss.

I pushed him away from me. "Stop. I'm so close to really beating the crap out of you."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Then I won't stop kissing you then."

"Stop." I shouted as I sat on my bed, whining.

"Stop acting like you're a five year old! You're 18!" He laughed.

"Of course I'm going to act like this! Blame yourself if you don't like it."

"Nevermind. You look better looking cute." He giggled.

"No I'm not cute!" I shouted.

"Then what do you want me to tell you? That you're sexy or something."

"No. That's- no."

"But you said you don't want to be called as cute!"

"Tell me I'm beautiful, I'm okay with that."

"No, you're sexy." He teased, giving me a smirk.

"Stop it!" I shouted at him.

He sat down beside me, hugging me. Our faces inches apart.

"I was just kidding. Just know you're beautiful." He smiled, before leaning closer, kissing me.

Didn't I tell this guy that I was saving my first kiss for my boyfriend? Whatever, he's probably going to be my boyfriend anyway.

I kissed back.

"Yah! My precious eyes! What in the world are you two doing?!" Sohee shouted, resulting the kiss to be broken.

Sunghoon smiled and looked away, as his cheeks blush into a bright red.

I pointed at him as I said: "He started it."

"Whatever. I just want to say that Doyum's here." Sohee said, leaving the room afterwards.

Now that only the two of us were left again. He kissed me, again. And it went on for who knew how long.

30 Days   //   Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now