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The next day~

I am now on my way to school. My friend, Sohee, ran to me.

"I texted you this morning!" She panted.

"Text?" I asked, pulling out books I needed. Sohee nodded.

"I texted you that I'm walking with you." She said, her hand softly punching my arm.

"You know I turn off my phone on my way here, right?" I said. Holding my books, and now walking with Sohee to class.

Once we entered our classroom, our friend, Woochul, greeted us.

"Kim Eunsoo! Help me with Science please!" Woochul shouted, resulting to a flinching Eunsoo.

And yes, I taught Woochul our lessons in Science in which he was weak at.

7:16 am

We have less than an hour to spend before class starts.

"Chul, Eunsoo. Wanna go to the cafeteria?" Sohee asked, Woochul and I looked at each other, then to Sohee.

"We still have more time to spend, let's go?" I asked.

Walking and walking, we arrived at the cafeteria.

"Chul~" I said, making the male look at me. "Treat me a sandwich, please."

"Nah, I'm saving up."

"For what?"

"Saving up for my 100th day gift for Hyeonsu."

"Wah~ what a man, I see." I teased.

"Anything for my girl. So, I'm not treating you." He said, making me pout.

"Am I not getting anything for teaching you?"

"Shin Woochul's broke okay? Get a boyfriend if you want someone to treat you." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You know I'm not interested in dating and shit right?"

"Just get one. The last time I saw you smiling so wide was the week before Jaebin left you."

"Nope. Not getting another boyfriend, I have trust issues now." I stood up, wanting to buy a snack.

Walking to the snack bar, Sohee went past me.

"Is she mad?" Sohee asked Woochul as she at down. The male answered, shaking his head side to side.

7:54 am

The three students decided to walk back to class. At the hallway, a group of friends were heard teasing as Sohee, Woochul and Eunsoo walked past them.

"Isn't she the Eunsoo you're talking about?"

"Aye~ Park Sunghoon please collect your waifu."

Still walking, Sohee asked. "Do you guys know them?" Woochul shook his head and I didn't answer as I was busy reading my History book.

The day quickly went by. Our class is now dismissed.

Students in our class exited the room. Woochul had to go first for his date. Sohee and I were going to walk home together.

The two girls are currently placing back their books into their lockers. The same group of boys walked behind me, I ignored them and closed my locker, until someone was pushed towards me. That was when I turned around.

It was Sunghoon.

"Eunsoo, you ready to- okay then I'll wait for you then." Sohee said. Leaning her back onto the lockers, and started to scroll down her phone.

"Lim Eunsoo, please date this guy."

"Just date already!"

"Please date Sunghoon, he's still single. Date him before its too late."

"U-uh, sorry. I'm not interested in dating." I said.

My phone received a call from another friend. I excused myself and walked a few feet away from them. I answered.


"Eunsoo, are you free?"

"Yes why?"

"Is Sohee free too?"

"Yeah she is. Why?"

"I wanna treat you for ice cream since... yeah."

"Where are you?"


"Shoot! Wait for us, I'm not done yet."

"It's fine I can wait. I'll hang up now. Bye."

Call ended.

I faced Sohee and said: "Sohee, did he tell you already?"

"The ice cream thing? Yeah. Are we going now?" I nodded. She passed me my bag.

"Are you going home now?"

"Go on a date with Sunghoon first."

"Sorry have to go." I said, bowing as an apology and left.

As Sohee and I walked to the school's gate, the feeling of being followed is present. I looked behind me, it was- again- Sunghoon and his friends.

Arriving at the ice cream parlor along with Yunmin who invited us, we placed our order and sat at a unoccupied space.

Yunmin and I have been friends for God knows how long, so were pretty close to the point that people might think we're dating [but we are NOT as we are both the study fist type of people].

"I really don't know if you two are really friends?" Sohee said.

"Nah. Why in the world would I date her?" Yunmin said, looking at me.

"Please don't make me date anyone, I have trust issues." I said, sipping on water.

"Still ship you with Jaebin. Nothing's stopping me." Yunmin said, laughing at me who rolled eyes.

Who is he to Eunsoo?

30 Days   //   Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now