Chapter 22: Destinies

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~Lab, near the unknown chamber~

Lo: You know what, life's complicated.

Back then, I was a carefree little fellow.

(Flashes back to the early days in his former Kirby-filled home)

I play, I eat, I love & I cared onto the world. Until that fateful day, (shows the invasion & how he escaped, then when he lands to the Mushroom Kingdom) when I met the fellow goofballs. (Shows footage of the prologue, then to constant eps from 1 to 21) Im really thankful. Because with those friends, we had so many good times together, & had so much adventures alongside those.

But who knew those 15 months (shows his own & Desti's death, Luck's collateral, his time as Sammy, & recovering its flashbacks)

Can change everything.

(Then shows Zel getting shot & later died. Lo then looks onto the chamber, revealing to be Desti)

Lo: So I had made 2 promises, to bring you back from the dead (shows Desti's final words) & to win Splatfest,

no matter what!

~February 28, Training Grounds~

Brenda: Are you sure he's the one?

Kel: Yep. I felt it in here.

Lo: Hey honey, are those you're ghost friends?

Kel: Yep. This is George (G'Morning to you),Brenda (hi), & Dave ('sup).

Lo: Ok, training is starting now so wish me luck.

Kel: Ok.

Lo: (shoots Mario) Strike 1!

SMG4: (to Mario) You're out!

(Lo then notices Luigi's assault & heads to the side of the container for a surprise attack. Meggy then follows Tari when she notices him on behind)

Meggy: You really think that's gonna be easy?(shoots him at the balls)

Lo: AAA, mah pingas.

SMG4: (to Lo) YOU'RE OUT!

Kel: Yo, are you ok?

Lo: Yep. Not even a close nutshot can keep me down.

Boopkins: You guys really did well too!

Kel: Lo, do you think Meggy's feeling well?

Lo: Dunno, but we be sure she'll figure it out.

~6pm, 9123 O'Hare St. (Lo's house)~

(As the afterparty raged on, Lo notices the rustling on his trash can outside)

Lo: Dammit, those raccoons are out of it again. Can you hold this for me Boopkins?

Boopkins: Sure do, Lo.

(Lo then checks out the backyard only to see a guy rummaging to the trash)

Lo: You ok? (Shines light on him when he heads back to the bushes) Come on. I won't bite. (The figure reveals himself, being the same one at the van) Are you lost?

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