Chapter 24: Insurge

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~August 8, ~

(A koopa came in & noticed a huge stir around a single person. Feeling uncertain, he heads to the front to see what's going on.)

Koopa: Excuse me, who's that player? 

Ezlo:This is Lo, my master & a professional player. 

Lo: I'm trying to clear Belle's speedrunning record at World Of Light. 

Koopa: With Daisy? That's weaksauce. 

Kel: Well i'd doubt that.

(As he encountered Galeem & Dharkon with his character ready for final smash, he activated it & both of them are defeated, beating her record) 

Kel: Never judge the character, but the player. 

Koopa: Woah. 

Lo: Wait, hold on, i'm taking this. (He then took a call from SMG4 & then hangs up) Honey, it's time to kick some ass.

~Later, SNITCH HQ~ 

Lo: Why do you have a debut vid on me? You're just a member short. 

SMG3: Oh really. (He lets out a whistle & summons a powerful droid with almost the same hair as his) Lo, meet NT-T.


(Both of the antis then head off to their respective videos) 

SMG4: Quick, head to your anti-selves 

Bob: wUt d1D u Ju5T 5@y?! 

SMG4: SMG3's version of you. 

Bob: 0h 

Lo: Mario, stay behind with Kel to grab the remote. I'll be saving myself. 

(He hops in his debut video where he ended up on top of the mall he first landed in)

~December 1, 2018, Westfield Mall~ 


Lo: I'm afraid i'll not let you do that. 

(They fought for a decent 20 seconds when...)


Lo: Wait whut? 

(He then lets out a sonic pulse which both sent Lo back to the present & the past self off route, bouncing to a nearby forest.) 

Mario: Woah, look at those sparks. (SMG4 near him then glitched as he turned into SMG3)

Kel: Okay 90 percent of the breach is compl- (she then glitched as the progress is terminated) What happened? 

(That's when Lo came out of his video, defeated) Have you done it? 

Lo: No, i can't.

(SMG4 then came out of his video, feeling down) 

SMG4: Sorry , i can't save them. 

(He then is reduced to ashes) 

Mario: SMG4, nooo. 

Lo: Mario, no matter what happens, make sure you free us. Trust me, 

(He & Kel then starts turning into dust) you are our only hope.

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