Chapter 13: Warnings

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E. Gadd: I must tell them before it's too late.


Unus Annus


(SMG4 was checking onto some memes at Youtube when his fellow Youtube Rangers sent him a video, stating the site's new law for 2020)

SMG4: Dah, it's probably nothing!

(He then checks onto the memes again, but it kept showing memes about Youtube's doom)


Lo: Hi SMG4, any latest memes can you dish out?

SMG4: Lo, I think we have a problem.

(He overlooked the name of the new law, COPPA, when he glitched like crazy & reactivated his Nega form from Episode 11)

SMG4: Woah. Halloween is like almost 2 weeks a- (gets blasted off his seat)


(Tari, Mario, Bob & Zel are fighting at Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros.)

Mario: All women... are queens! (Red Team with Zel while Blue Team is Tari & Bob)

Bob: If she breathes... she's a THOOOO-(that's when the tv blew up) oW m@H 0V@r!351

Zel: What da hell is going on? (Notices Nega Lo[Sammy Lo]) Aw sh*t here we go again!

(Everyone has left the castle & noticed that E. Gadd is waiting for them)

E. Gadd: Ok, what is going on here?

SMG4: Lo has gone berserk again!

Mario: Yeah. & he broke my win streak with Zel.

Zel: Yeah.

E. Gadd: Hmm. How does it start?

SMG4: It has begun when I showed him this new law from Youtube. I think it's called COPPA

E. Gadd: COPPA?!

SMG4: Yeah, what is it about?

E. Gadd: That new law actually is a weapon of death named Comet Of Power Ponding Apocalypses! It's responsible to numerous worlds destroyed & is made by the Sovereign.

Tari: You mean a squad of Reapers from Mass Effect?

E. Gadd: Absolutely! & in 50 days, this world will be destroyed with the others near it.

Mario: So that's why he gone coocoo crazy in Halloween when he saw a kid in the squid costume.

SMG4: Now let's stop worry about the apocalypse & try to make him snap out of it.

(Inside the trashed kitchen, Sammy Lo suddenly gets some anonymous signals from the Projectionist & its Reapers, telling plans about the comet)

Toad: Whew, the trash is do- (sees Sammy Lo & the mess) GODDAMMIT YOU GOT PAINT IN THE GODDAMN HOUSE! (Then gets blasted off again)

Mario: NOW! (Restrains him with licorish & rope)

I got-oh spaghetti! (As he grabs the spaghetti, Sammy Lo tries to flee off but gets huddled by Zel)

Zel: Please man. You'll need to beat this & try to explain what is going on! (She's about to kiss him when he stuttered her off & started floating) Aw come on! I was about to kiss him!

(The Nega self then gets in his mouth, mask & all. He later fell down face-flat)

Zel: Bro, you ok?

(Lo gives her a thumbs up)

SMG4: Can you explain what's going on in your head, man?

Lo: I don't know, but I heard about this man named Ztar. Do you know him?

Mario: This is not okie dokie!


Unus Annus


End of Ch.13

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