Chapter 19: Liberation

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Unus Annus


~Inkopolis Square~

(Picture this: The bustling townside square, all jacked up with black ink & swarmed with Teletubbies. SMG4 & Tari had came for a visit only to notice the changes around & then got ambushed)

~Peach's Castle~

Boopkins: Have any of you guys seen SMG4 & Tari? They're gonna help us prepare for the New Years tomorrow.

Mario: Nope. Besides, he is gonna help me fix my decorations.

(The decorations are a total mess)

Luigi: Wah! Look at this. (The tv glitches to a seemingly breaking news bulletin)

Ztar: Everyone around the world, this is a message of your doom. I am the fallen leader Ztar, & the mastermind of the dark army that took over Inkopolis Square. In the next 40 hours, your world as you know it will crumble in the might of the giant comet built from sentient beings above. If any of you dare try to stop us, *chuckles* well better take a look of what you will become. (Moves out of the way showing BiZtarro & Ztarla)

Everyone: LO!

Ztar: Heed our words. Don't screw with our Sovereign. (Signs out)

Boopkins: This is bad. This is so bad.

Saiko: Wait, who is that lady near Lo?

Axol: I think that was his roomie Zel.

Bob: w! W!lL n33D 2 d0 50M3+h1n6 N0w1

Ztar: Just you wait, our subjects.

( He later sings Ready As I'll Ever Be from Tangled The Series, only this time, he's assisted with his minions. Meanwhile, back at the prison, King Pipe makes a breakout as Hal left to fight at the square, only he had more help.)

~Ztar's Domain~

Ztar: Minions, I detect a disturbance on the open. Kill them all.

Tari: Oh no.

SMG4: Oh no what?

Tari: Our friends

Saiko: Ok guys, we need to break in, take the two,& get back out!

Shroomy: E. Gadd, is the barrier ready?

E. Gadd: Almost, one more test & it will be fine.

Shroomy: Excellent. By the way, we need that molecular separator for the- (realises that the gang is surrounded by the Teletubbies) two.

Mario: Mario's gonna kill some bitches.

(BiZtarro & Ztarla then dropped onto the middle, looked intimidating)


Axol: Bring us back our friends! (Fires a missile from Lo's bazooka)

(The missile got reflected from Ztarla's scythe & lands to Meggy's building, utterly destroying her room)


Saiko: Nobody cares!


(The sides then took an all out war against each other)

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