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Calum's leg bounced anxiously as the plane on the flight screen in front of him neared closer to LAX. He couldn't wait to be home. He couldn't wait to see Holland and Chloe.

He'd been unprepared for the way his heart would ache without the pair of them physically in his life for two months. Holland had never before been completely unable to join him while he was away and though the tour was shorter it had still been incredibly hard to be away from her, especially with their child's arrival date nearing with every passing day.

He'd been ecstatic to find a flight home a day earlier than he had expected, just in time to surprise both Holland and Chloe at the last gymnastics meet of the year. He knew Holland had promised Chloe and chance to compete and he was hoping he would get the chance to see it.

The pilots voice crackled through the intercoms system alerting the passengers to prepare for landing and Calum quickly raised his seat, eyeing the overhead compartment where his carryon was stored and strategizing on how he could guarantee himself the opportunity at being first to off board the plane.

His first class seat status would assist but he flirted with the idea of telling the stewardess a fib in order to ensure he was first off. In the end he decided it against it and even amidst the rush to deplane he found himself only third off. He knew the LA airport like the back of his hand and he moved with purpose through the terminal towards the baggage claim area. He tapped his foot impatiently as it seemed everyone's bag but his rounded the conveyor. He released a relieved sigh when his navy duffle appeared, the rest of his gear and tour items were being shipped back to the studio and would show up in a few days. He slung the bag over his shoulder and headed for the exit, practically stopping in his tracks when he spotted a smirking Holland waiting for him at the end of the people mover.

He took large, quick step from the end of the conveyor to her and his duffle hit the floor with a resounding thin as his hands cupped the sides of her face and he kissed her deeply.

"Tell me how it is exactly that I'm meant to be surprising you and yet here you are surprising me." He chuckled as he pulled away from their kiss, adding one last peck to her lips before holding her at arms length.

"Went to check your location to see if you'd be off stage yet for a call and it couldn't locate you. Something seemed fishy so I called the one of you who can't keep a secret to save his life."

"So Luke spilled the beans?" He asked with a laugh.

"Yep. Getting information out of him is as easy as taking candy from a baby."

"Well, I hate he ruined my surprise, but I'm not sorry that it means I get to come home a night early. I was planning to crash at Ash's and surprise you at the competition tomorrow."

"Aw, like a repeat of Tokyo?"

"Something like that." He smiled.

Her arms still hung loosely around his neck, stood on her tiptoes to reach she finally released him and dropped back to her real height, her fingers tangling with his as they turned towards the exit.

"The good thing about flying in separate from the boys is this." He said gesturing to the empty exit area as they headed for the car. "Privacy."

"Eh, your fans don't bother me. Especially since the vast majority seem happy about the baby."

"Which is a relief." He muttered and she only nodded, walking in step with him as her parked Escalade came into view.

They loaded into the SUV, Calum taking the drivers side.

"You look beautiful by the way. I missed you so damn much, Holls."

"I missed you too." She reached across the console and grabbed his hand, his warm calloused skin felt to right against hers and she was eternally thankful that she wouldn't have to say goodbye to him again for quite a while.

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