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AN: Reminder that I am a teacher and I am now back at work. Given the current state of education: aka a clusterfuck, I don't know how much time I will have to write for the first few weeks. I will be doing my absolute best to stay on track with my every other day updates but please show some grace if I miss an update. I'm doing what I can to keep my head above water right now. Thank you for your constant support,
Sav 🖤

February 1, 2023

Holland Mayfield was scared to get her hopes up. She and Calum had only begun trying for a baby with the start of the new year and yet she just felt pregnant. It was a vague feeling but it had been one of the symptoms Crystal and Sierra had both told her to be leery of. She'd laughed it off but now she believed she understood.

Don't get too far ahead of yourself, Holland. You've thought this before.

Her mind raced back to just over a year previous, the pregnancy scare that had brought she and Calum back together. The scare that had made it possible to imagine herself as one day being a mother, something that before that she had never envisioned.

There wasn't much time to ponder her premonitions as the sound of jingling keys woke Duke who had been sleeping by her feet and sent her attention to the door as it swung open to reveal her incredibly tired looking husband.

She stood and made the short walk to him, her arms sliding around his torso for a hug before she leaned in to him for a kiss. "Long day?" She asked

"You've no idea." He mumbled against her shoulder after dropping his head against her.

She frowned as he separated from her and set his backpack down near the kitchen island, following after her to their living loom and laying out on the tan couch, his head in her lap.

She didn't speak, simply ran her hand through his ever growing curls that covered the top of his head. She knew he would tell her whatever was on his mind when he was ready.

He turned on his side, his shoulder digging into the couch cushion, the new position gave him a better view of her face as he finally broke the silence that stretched between them.

"Album's being pushed up." He told her, a flat expression on his face.

"Again?" She asked incredulously.

"Label says we've already taken too long and they want it as soon as possible."

"Your last record's only been out like a year! You took two years to put out 'Youngblood' way back when and look at the success it had!"

"I know, I know. But the label—they think we're losing momentum. We aren't kids anymore and they're worried we'll fade into oblivion and so now we're all stressed the fuck out because we don't have enough done and they want us to go on tour in three months with another single between now and then when we just released a fucking single a month ago. They want the album sent to mixing by then too and it's just...too much at once." He confided looking to her.

Her eyes were widened, he rarely got overwhelmed so it was strange to see him that way. He was such a carefree and relaxed spirit.

"So what's the plan?"

"We've got some of our usual collaborators coming in, but it'll probably be a packed schedule for awhile I'm afraid. Late nights and early mornings. None of us are happy about it." He told her somberly, his eyes darker than their usual chocolate brown.

She nodded. "I know what it's like to be busy with work, babe. It's not an issue. It's competition season for the girls anyways, not like I'll just be sitting home twiddling my thumbs."

"I know, but we were supposed to have more time at home. More time to focus on building our family. The new album was supposed to be on the back burner, just something we were casually working in." He said. He lifted himself slightly and used a hand to prop himself up so that he could look at her, his opposite hand resting on her thigh.

"There will be plenty of time for that." She promised, keeping her suspicions and symptoms in the back of her mind. He was already so stressed out, she didn't need to add to his load until she was certain there was anything to add at all.

"You promise you're not going to be angry when I'm at the studio so late?"

"I swear. When I said my vows I said through heaven or high water, that meant during band breaks and album crunch times too." She said with a teasing grin.

He met her lips with his and shook his head. "I love you, you know."

"I do." She told him. "I love you, too. Besides, if you guys are going to be busy that just means us girls will make plans together, or that's how we usually handle it and I'm definitely not opposed to seeing more of Crystal, Si, KayKay, and the kids." She shrugged.

His eyes sparkled with his affection for her and he settled back against her on the couch, Duke jumping up and taking a spot on his dad's stomach so that their whole family was complete.

"Hey buddy." Calum greeted their dog, rubbing behind the pups ears.

"You know what always makes me feel better after a rough day?" Holland asked Calum, her hands massaging the knots at the top of his shoulders.

"What's that?"

"A bubble bath."

Calum's eyebrows lifted at that a half smirk twitching his lips.

"Mmm...that sounds amazing."

"I'll get the water going if you bring the wine." She told him and he nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead before they both sat up and went about their tasks.

They met again a moment later in their master bath. The scent of the lavender soap drifted through the air and Holland dimmed the lights. The candles she had lit created an intimate ambience.

Calum uncorked the bottle of wine and poured them each a glass, handing them to Holland who had already slipped beneath the bubbles before undressing and joining her.

The water moved around them as he pulled her against his chest, all of his worries and stresses from work fading away as he held the love of his life in his arms. He'd wanted a lot of things in his life, at one point he'd been sure he'd never want anything as much as he wanted the bands success but that had been before he had met Holland. Once she'd entered his life nothing could ever compare to how much he wanted her.

Holland turned around and moved to the other end of the tub her feet near Calum's lap and he reached for it, gently massaging the sole with his calloused hands.

"Mmmm, that feels nice." She hummed and he smirked at her.

"You gonna give me a foot rub as well?" He asked, lifting his foot towards her face. She giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Maybe later." She said smugly with a yawn.

"Come here, you." He chuckled, his hands finding her waist under the water and pulling her toward him. Every inch of their skin seemed to press together and she leaned her forehead against his.

"I know I'm gonna be super busy, but that doesn't mean you, and our family, aren't my priority." He said, his eyes locked on hers. "I love you."

"I love you too, bub." She promised. "Forever."

An: kicking things off with a little soft af fluff.


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