chapter seven

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WHEN HE WOKE UP, TEDDY WAS OVERWHELMED BY DOUBTS. While he trusted Alex, and Sean, and Hank, and Raven, he wasn't too sure about Charles, Erik and Moira. He didn't know them. He hardly knew more than their names. And honestly, they just seemed like buzzkills. Alas, this is what he meant. Darwin died, that's when the fun ended. People wonder why he likes to see people enjoy themselves. It's because the innocence they have can disappear in the blink of an eye. He had seen it too many times.

He forced himself out of bed. He could tell he hadn't slept long, but he was use to that. He made his way to where he thought the kitchen was. He really hoped his memory served him well. After what felt like three thousand twists and turns, he realized he was totally lost. He groaned in annoyance, and ran a hand through his hair. This just had to happen, didn't it?

Instead of standing idly, he wandered the halls. Every door he passed looked identical to the next. How could someone be able to find their way around this place? Is this what rich people problems were?

While looking to the side, he didn't notice someone else doing the same. The two collided. Teddy stumbled backwards, but the other person caught his arm before he could fall.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked, helping steady his friend.

Teddy blushed at their now-close proximity. "Uh, yeah.. Yeah, I'm fine." He said. He cleared his throat. "Just, lost." He chuckled awkwardly, putting some distance between the two of them, silently hoping the redness on his face couldn't be seen.

Alex sent him a half smile. "What a coincidence, so am I." He said.

Teddy smiled awkwardly. What was he suppose to say at that? He mentally cursed himself for being unable to find words. He was never like this! He couldn't describe the feeling. It wasn't love, or a crush, if that's what you're thinking. He knew better than most what that feeling was. His mother was the goddess of love, after all.

Luckily for his pride, Alex ignored the awkwardness. While he too felt a little bit strange, he took it upon himself to be the friendly one. They could use it after witnessing Darwin's death. "I'm trying to find the kitchen. Join me?" Alex said, jokingly offering the other boy his arm.

Teddy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I was headed there myself." He admitted, accepting the invite. He hooked his arm into the other boy's outstretched one.

The two walked in silence for a bit, trying to make their way to the staircase that led to where they wanted to be. Teddy could have sworn they walked the entire floor before they found it. They had let go of each other at that point, especially with the silence. It was getting uncomfortable.

"Di Immortales, finally!" Teddy exclaimed, flinging his arms in the air in relief. He hated the tedious searching.

"Only a few more floors to go!" Alex joked, sending an amused look in the brunette direction. Hearing this, the boy's face dropped.

"If these stairs are consecutive, I'm suing." Teddy grumbled as the two started their decent.

At last, they reached the end of the staircase. With the open halls there, they found their way to the kitchen easily. At least, as easily as constant complaining and pausing to rest could.

In the kitchen, the others were already gathered around the island. When they heard the two boys' footsteps, all heads turned in that direction.

Teddy waved, feeling awkward once again.

"We got lost." Alex quickly explained, making it clear he wasn't going to discuss it. Not that they had to. It was a pretty straightforward answer.

The team dug into the food that Charles and Erik had made, not without Alex sliding in a joke about not knowing they could cook. It was peaceful, in the room. As if there wasn't a war about to happen. Of course, they did not just forget Darwin's death, but being around each other made it more bearable.

And Teddy couldn't have that.

He loved these guys already, despite the short amount of time he had known them. He did always tend to get attached easily, but he didn't know it was this easy. But he could not stay. He had to hold onto that rage. He had to go after Sebastian Shaw. He had to get revenge.

Revenge was dangerous, sure. He could die, or he could go down a path his friends couldn't follow. But really, what other choice did he have? They killed Darwin! Right in front of him, too! And don't think he forgot about Angel's betrayal, either. He really thought they had bonded. Perhaps that wasn't the case. He had to leave before someone else got hurt, even if at his own expense.

Alex seemed to notice how he was in deep thought, as he put a reassuring hand on his knee under the table (at which they were seated.) Teddy sent him a thankful smile, then looked back at the plate in front of him. He had to come up with a plan, and fast. World War Three wasn't easy to avoid now, was it?

"I hope you're all settling in nicely." Charles spoke up.

The group made quiet sounds of agreement. The chatter had died down, as if the reality of the situation was finally sinking in. Teddy couldn't blame them.

He quickly excused himself and made his way back up to the room he had claimed. He knew what he had to do.

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