chapter fourteen

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TEDDY COULD TASTE THE SMOKE. He could feel the blood rushing to his head, and he could hear a ringing in his ears. He blinked away the blur, and could faintly hear Charles checking if Moira was alright. He glanced down at himself, quickly unbuckling himself. He fell to the ground, but quickly caught himself before he could hit his head. He then went to help Alex out.

"I read the teleporter's mind," Charles stated, going towards the now-open area where he could see outside of the plane. "Shaw's drawing all of the power out of his sub. He's turning himself into some kind of nuclear bomb."

"We've got no time," Moira said. "The Geiger count's going out of control."

"All right Moira, this is what we're going to do: get on the radio and tell them to clea rboth fleats out immediately."

Everyone was looking outside as well, seeing the burning trees and the other mutant's who had emerged from the submarine. "I'm going in," Erik said.

"Beast, Havok, Glamour, back him up," Charles ordered. "Erik, I can guide you through once you're in, but I need you to shut down whatever it is that's blocking me, and then we just hope to god it's not too late for me to stop him."

Teddy cracked his neck. "There's always death," He said to Charles, but he was staring right outside.

"We're not killing anyone!" Charles snapped. "Now go!" They did just that. "Good luck!" Charles shouted after them.

The four immerged from the plane. Without a seconds thought, Shaw's group immediately prepared themselves for battle. Teddy quickly took out a dagger he brought with him - you can't fight with only your voice, after all.

Alex was quick to take action. He fired right at the two mutants still on the ground, with Angel being up in the air. Azazel, the teleporter, teleported away but the other one was not so lucky. He went flying back into the sub.

The teleported appeared behind them, slashing at them with his own weapons. Alex and Hank ducked, while Teddy met the blade with his own. Azazel then grabbed Alex with his tail, then the other two, and teleported somewhere in the air, freefalling. 

Alex was quickly let go of, but Teddy grabbed his arm to stop him from falling. This meant, though, that he had to let go of his weapon to not be sent falling, having to hold onto the teleporter who would love to let him go. 

Hank also grabbed onto the teleporter, and oh-so-kindly grabbed Teddy's dagger out of the air. "If we go, you go," Hank hissed at the man, who worriedly looked down, before giving in and teleporting them to safety, on a boat.

They landed on the floor roughly, but the fight was only beginning. They were quick to get back on their feet. Hank quickly tossed Teddy his dagger back, and they got to fighting Azazel. To be fair Azazel was a lot more skilled than they were. He teleported behind Alex and grabbed him, just as he was going to blast him, which meant the boat got the damage.

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