Chapter 18: Flashbacks

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Flora stood near the entrance of where Thorin, Kili, and Fili lay. The smell of death and sorrow filled her lungs. Flora knew that the three of them were not coming back but she half expected Fili and Kili to jump up and say 'Gotcha!'. But they never did and never will.

"Flora?" Dwalin called out for the young Hobbit girl. Flora bowed her head and looked over her shoulder. Dwalin wrapped his arms around the girls waist, pulling her into him.

After what seemed like ages, Flora and Dwalin left the chamber that held their dearest friends and loved ones. Knowing that they would one day see them again. The others were in the Throne room where Thorin once sat. Flora lightly touched the arm of the throne and let out a small cry.

Bilbo pulled his daughter into him and let her cry, while the others huddled around them. They all knew the sorrow Flora felt. They knew a part of her died with the three of them and that she will never be the same. However, as Dwalin watched Flora like this a part of him ached for her. A part of him was devastated that she was so broken and that he could not fix her.

End of Flashback

Flora sat in the mounds of gold that was left. Dain fulfilled Thorin's promises to Laketown, while everyone claimed their share. What was left was to rebuild Erebor and to make a better life for themselves. Dain had called for the dwarves that lived in the Blue Mountains to come and live in a place that was once their home. Meaning Flora would get to meet Thorin's sister, Fili and Kili's Mother, Dis. When and if she came back to Erebor.

This moment Flora should be happy, she was married to the one she loved. But what if she made the wrong decision. If she had chosen Thorin would he still be alive or would he be dead still? She would never know.


As Flora stood in what used to be Dis's chamber with a simple white gown flowing around her. Flora still felt the urge to cry. Not because she was happy, even though she was, she was still so broken over the loss of her closest friends.

"Flora?" Bilbo whispered, "It is time."

Flora nodded and let her father lead her down to where Dwalin and the others stood. Dwalin was standing normal dwarven wedding garments while the others still wore the clothes they were wearing when they arrived to Erebor.

Flora felt a sudden swarm of butterflies go off in her stomach as she watched Dwalin's face light up at the sight of her. But as soon as it came it was gone and she was back to feeling sad again.

End of Flashback

"Flora?" Flora jumped at the sound of her name, bringing her out of her thoughts. She noticed Bofur standing before her.

"Yes Bofur?" she questioned.

"We are all meeting at the front gates to wish your father a safe return home." he explained.

"He is leaving already?" Flora questioned. She stood from where she sat and with Bofur she walked to the front gates where Balin and her father stood talking.

A/N: I know this chapter is short and sad, but the next will be a little longer:)

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