Chapter 17: Three Lives Gone Part Two

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Third Person POV:

Thorin stumbles toward the edge of the frozen waterfall, looking out over the battlefield below, where the remaining orcs are being routed. Weak from his wound, he collapses on his back. Bilbo comes running up in surprise.

"Bilbo..." Thorin mutters.

"Don't move! Don't move! Lie still!" Bilbo urged, he examines Thorin's wound, then recoils in shock. "Oh! FLORA!"

"I'm glad you're here..." Thorin muttered turning Bilbo's attention back to him.

"Shh." Bilbo urged.

"I wish to part from you in friendship." Thorin whispered.

"No. You are not going anywhere, Thorin. You're going to live." Bilbo stated, "You are going to live for Flora."

"I would take back my words and my deeds at the gate. You did what only a true friend would do. Forgive me...I was too blind to see. I'm so sorry that I have led you into such peril." Thorin stuttered, choking up blood as Flora skids to a halt next to her father.

"No, no, I'm glad to have shared in all your perils,Thorin - each and every one of them. And it's far more than any Baggins deserve." Bilbo explains.

"Thorin my dearest friend." Flora smiled, tears streaming down her face. They smile at each other.

"Flora." Thorin smiled, wheezing. Flora moved her hand to his right cheek and stroked the tears from his cheeks. "You will always be the love of my life even if you did not chose me. I am happy for you and Dwalin."

The tears came harder then ever for Flora.

"Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books and your armchair. Plant your trees - watch them grow." Thorin struggles to choke. "If more people valued home above gold this world would be a merrier place."

Thorin gasps deeply, then begins to expire.

"No! No! No! No! No! No! Thorin! Oh don't you dare!" Flora cried, "I need your smile, your friendship."

Thorin breathes out his last and dies.

"Thorin, Thorin, wake up. The eagles...the eagles...the eagles are here. Thorin...the eag..." Bilbo stuttered, tears streaming down his face.

Tauriel, heartbroken, places Kili's stone in his dead hand, as Legolas watches.

Thranduil walks slowly through the ruins of Ravenhill, gazing about at the carnage. Legolas approaches him. "I...cannot go back."

Legolas brushes past his father and prepares to leave.

"Where will you go?" Thranduil questioned.

Legolas turns and faces Thranduil. "I do not know."

"Go north. Find the Dúnedain. There's a young Ranger amongst them- you should meet him. His father, Arathorn, was a good man. His son might grow to be a great one." Thranduil explained.

"What is his name?" Legolas questioned.

"He's known in the wild as Strider. His true name you must discover for yourself."

They nod at each other, then Legolas turns and walks away. Thranduil calls after him, and Legolas pauses. "Legolas... your mother loved you...more than anyone...more than life."

Legolas opens his eyes open in shock and surprise. Legolas and Thranduil make a gesture of departure to each other, then Legolas leaves. Thranduil watches him leave sadly, bowing his head in grief. He then proceeds through the ruins and finds Tauriel still next to Kili's body.

"They want to bury him." Tauriel sniffs.

"Yes..." Thranduil nodded.

"If this is love, I do not want it." Tauriel shook her head. Heartbrokenly, Tauriel pleads with Thranduil. "Take it from me, please! Why does it hurt so much?"

Thranduil approaches her slowly with an understanding look in his eyes. "Because it was real."

Tauriel looks up at him in shock. After thinking for a while, she kisses Kili one last time.

Bilbo is sitting by himself and staring off into the distance, Flora standing a little ways away; Gandalf comes to join Bilbo. They sit there, quietly, thinking. Gandalf begins cleaning out his pipe quite noisily, and Bilbo looks like he's about to object. After a moment's pause, they nod at each other.

The remaining members of Thorin's company kneel beside the body of their King, paying him homage. Bilbo and Gandalf, sitting, watch. Dwalin pulls Flora into him and holds her as he looks over at Thorin's body.

In Dale, Percy blows on a huge horn, and all the townspeople, who are gathered along the walls, stare out reverently at Erebor; during Kili, Fili and Thorin's funeral.

A/N: Right so the next chapter is going to be the last. I know this chapter was not the longest and kind of sad but the next chapter will be longer. I promise. 

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