Chapter 13: A new Queen under the Mountain Part One

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Flora's POV:

Balin is in a quiet corner somewhere, breathing deeply as if he had just been weeping.

"Dragon-sickness - I've seen it before. That look. That terrible need. It is a fierce and jealous love, Bilbo. It sent his grandfather mad." Balin explains as he hears my father and I walk up to him.

"Balin, if-if Thorin...had the Arkenstone..." Bilbo slightly cocks his head, and Balin looks surprised, understanding Bilbo's implication. "...if it was found - Would it help?"

"That stone crowns all. It is the summit of this great wealth, bestowing power upon he who bears it. Will it stay his madness? No, lad; I fear it would make it worse. Perhaps it is best that it remains lost." Balin raises his eyebrows at Bilbo. My father lowers his head and walks away leaving me with Balin. I give him a reassuring smile and go to find my father.

When I find him he is sitting on a bench in a hall. He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls something out. I notice Thorin, walking in an adjoining hallway, who sees the action.

"What is that?!" Thorin hissed as he strides rapidly toward Bilbo, and Bilbo rises. "In your hand!"

"It-It's nothing." my father stutters, I felt the need to stop this before fists were flown but I did not dare to disrupt. I felt a arm go around my waist. I jump but see that it is just Dwalin.

"Do not tell me you are eavsdropping." he teased.

"So what if I am?" I smirked, turning to where I can see his face. "Are you going to punish me?"

"Later first I have to do this." Dwalin said, kissing me lightly on the cheek and walking towards Thorin and my father.

"Thorin, survivors...from Laketown. They are streaming into Dale. There's hundreds of them." Dwalin interrupts. Thorin's smile fades into a stern, uncompromising face.

"Call everyone to the gate." Thorin hiss as he strides off, shouting. "TO THE GATE! NOW!"

Within the walls of Erebor, the dwarves work to block up the entrance that Smaug broke through. They carry rocks both by hand and with the help of various pulleys and other machines.

"I want this fortress made safe by sunup. This mountain was hard won - I will not see it taken again." Thorin hissed.

"The people of Laketown have nothing. They came to us in need. They have lost everything." Kili urged.

"Do not tell me what they have lost. I know well enough their hardship. Those who have lived through dragonfire should rejoice. They have much to be grateful for." Thorin hissed as he looks out at the city of Dale, where many fires can be seen lit by the people. He then turns and shouts to his dwarves. "More stone! BRING MORE STONE TO THE GATE!"

Bilbo and I look on in despair. Later on after the wall is finished Thorin urges everyone to the 'treasury'. I notice he picks up some white gems.

"The white gems of Lasgalen." Thorin smiles. "I know an Elf-Lord who would pay a pretty price for these." Thorin tosses the necklace back into the pile of jewels, scattering many of the tiny gems. When he is not looking I grab some and shove them in both of my pockets.

Thorin strides toward the blocked off gate, calling the other dwarves to him. "Come on!"

The dwarves lay down their tools, pick up their weapons, and follow him up the stairs they've created in the blockage, all the way to a platform they have built at the top of the gate from which they have a vantage point over the plain in front of the gate. They see the walls of Dale filled with Elves ready for war. Bard rides up the path to the gate on a horse, and stops in front of the gate.

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