Chapter 3: The Adventure Has Begun

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Flora's POV:

The next morning I woke up early, before the dwarves even left and gathered up a small bag of things I might need. I had signed the contract last night after my father went to bed and handed it to Balin.

"Lass you sure about this?" Dwalin asked as soon as he saw me walk into the living room this morning. I nodded my head quickly and wrote my father a note leaving it with the unsigned contract of his.

"Dwalin?" I asked as we walked outside.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"I was wondering if I could just ride with you and save a pony for my father in case he shows up." I asked mostly in a whisper. I looked up at Dwalin whose face was slightly red. Dwalin took notice and quickly nodded his head in agreement and looked away getting his pony ready. I looked to Fili and Kili who were laughing uncontrollably which now was making me softly giggle.

Bilbo's POV:

The next morning when I woke up there were no dwarves in sight.

"Flora?" I called out, but only silence answered me. I walked around my home and noticed the contract and a note sitting on a chair in the living room. I picked up the note first.


I have decided that I cannot live my life afraid of the world around me. I am a Took and the adventure that is in my blood is more than I can take. I am sorry if this pains you but this is something I have to do. By the time you read this note we may be on the edge of The Shire. There is a contract for you to sign if you change your mind about an adventure. I certainly hope you do.

Love, Flora

I looked at the contract and made the quick decision to sign it. I grabbed my traveling cloak, the contract, and anything else I needed and ran out of home.

"You! Mr. Bilbo, where're you off to?" Master Worrywort asked as I was about to run past him.

"Can't stop! I'm already late." I stated running past him.

"Late for what?" Master Worrywort asked confused.

"I'm going on an adventure!" I smile excitedly.

Flora's POV:

"Wait!" a voice said loudly behind us. Dwalin and I looked behind us and saw my father running up to us. "I signed it! I signed the contract." He handed the contract to Balin and he looked it over.

"Well everything seems to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin smiles, putting the contract in his pocket.

"Give him a pony." Thorin snaps.

"Is he always like that?" I whisper to Dwalin while my father protests to getting a pony and urging that he can walk.

"Pretty much." Dwalin whispered. "And I think you rightfully won this." Dwalin hands me a small sack of coins and I smile boldly.

"Thank you." I smile as I hear my father sneeze.

"Come on, Nori, pay up. Go on." Oin calls. Nori tosses a sack of money to Oin; sacks of money begin passing between the dwarves.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Oin smiles.

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