Chapter 5: Goblin Town

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Flora's POV:

I didn't bother going back to where the others where at. I just kind of wanted to be alone. I know Dwalin didn't mean anything by it. I know he was insinuating that I pick between him and Thorin, but I knew it would come to that point. I really did feel something for both of them, but I didn't know who I wanted to be with.

"Flora! Wait!" I heard someone say. I turned and saw Dwalin coming up to me. I sighed and faintly smiled.

"Dwalin." I said.

"I'm sorry." he stated.

"Repeat that?" I smiled. He looked at me with a sigh.

"I'm sorry." Dwalin repeated. "I just wanted to know what your feelings for Thorin where. I just wanted to know if I had a chance with you. And yes I was jealous when I saw you hug Thorin."

"I'm sorry I snapped at you, but I meant what I said, about not choosing between you. It would kill me to hurt one of you." I smiled, faintly. "And why wouldn't you have a chance with me?"

"You deserve better than me." Dwalin explained.

"It's you who deserves better than me. You are one of the bravest dwarves I know. And granted I don't know many dwarves." I told him. I gave him a faint smile as I gently stroked his cheek. Dwalin closed his eyes and sighed.

"I want you to know that I will do anything for you. I-I would die to protect you if that is what it takes." Dwalin stated, with a small smile. I smiled boldly this time and reached up and pecked him on the cheek. I watched as his cheeks turned red. It's crazy to think that I made this big tough dwarf blush. Before I could turn away, Dwalin pulled me closer to him and planted his lips on mine. This was just like Thorin's kiss, sweat but a little more passionate. I felt myself melt into the kiss, and put my arms around his neck. His lips were soft and they moved in sync with mine. I wanted this to last forever, but then I thought of Thorin. I had just kissed him moments ago, before dinner. I felt selfish, because I wanted them both but knew I could not and would have to choose eventually. One day.

In this moment, I wanted nothing but Dwalin. I could feel my whole body heat and wanted this dwarf in front of me more than I wanted anything in my life. When the kiss broke, our foreheads touch and my heart began to race.

"Dwalin?" I heard Thorin's voice from a distance calling his friend. Dwalin sighed and lifted his forehead from mine. His hand cupping my cheek. He lightly kissed my forehead and left me standing there to go aid his King. I guess that is what you would call Thorin now. King. His father was Valar knows where, and his grandfather was dead. Beheaded by Azog the Defiler.

"Flora?!" I heard Fili's voice. Oh my sweat Fili. I could ask him what I should do about Dwalin and Thorin. Yes him and Kili could help.

"Coming Fili!" I call as I walk towards his voice.

Fili's POV:

"Yes Fili?" Flora smiles.

"I need to talk with you." I reply.

"I need to talk with you too." Flora smiles again. Her smile is gorgeous and I wish she would smile more, but as of late she seems distracted. Like she is bottling something inside.

"You go first." I urge.

"I was wondering if you could help me with a situation." She started, "I am torn between some feelings and I dont know who to talk to about it.You have to promise you wont laugh at me and go tell your brother."

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