The boys suprised Olivia and I with a DOUBLE DATE NIGHT?!

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"Um, Olivia, I thought it was your turn to walk Nemo." I told Liv. Olivia frowned, staring at Finn who was giving us his usual look. All of a sudden, he started staring at Mason's picture behind me. He even jumped a little.

The littlest things got him excited.

For about thirty minutes, we had been arguing over who was to walk Nemo-or Finn. Yeah, Finn.

It was getting really frustrating for him to have two different names, so I decided to go with Finn. Finn seemed to love it too, since he never came to me when I called him Nemo.

"I'm telling you, I walked him last time." Olivia huffed, crossing her arms. She glared at the leash that was set on the couch. And I thought I was the lazy one.

"No, Lucas walked him last time. That was because you were too lazy to." I fired back.

Realization shone on her face, but she quickly covered it up. "If Lucas walked him last time, then it means that it's your turn, Peyton." She said, her confidence radiating of her.

"Lucas took your turn. You have to walk him now." I stated firmly. "Because now, it's meant to be Lucas's turn to walk him."

She opened her mouth, but quickly closed it. "When was the last time you walked Finn? You haven't! Huh? Huh?" She pressed. I sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"I walked him right before Mason did."

"Oh," she mumbled. "But-"

"Olivia," I warned. Something about my voice told her I wasn't messing around. I was beyond exhausted from the day's work.

By work I mean, taking care of the little wolf in sheep's clothing: Finn.

I didn't have a phobia for dogs; they were just so much to handle, it made me wonder if having a child would be more tasking.

But I love children.

"Fine," she grumbled, grabbing the leash and squatting down to Finn's level, who was now wagging his tail excitedly. His walk was long due. "Come on, boy."


"Hey guys! It's Peyton here, you know that. So, I've been thinking of becoming a brunette. The idea popped into my head, when I was in the shower this morning, and I was like, no, but then at the same time, I really want to try something new. So maybe I could go brunette, or maybe I should dye my hair purple," I rambled on to the camera.

"Okay, enough of my rants. I would tell you what we're doing today, but you've probably already read the title. So yes! We are going on a double date. The boys told both us to get ready by seven. To me, it looks like they've been planning this one for a while now," I chuckled nervously.

"I'm not nervous, no I'm definitely not. You are!" I said, all of a sudden. I swear, it just came out.

"God damn it, I'm making too obvious," I swore, sighing. "Okay, enough of that, so I'm basically just going to take you along with me, I'll show you what I'm wearing, and stuff like that. So, we're heading to my wardrobe! Yay, that's exciting," I mumbled, smiling.

I took my phone and walked all the way to my wardrobe. I had picked out a white cropped top-since it was hot outside-and a pair of black skinny jeans. I decided to go with a pair of sneakers, because there was no need for me to be in heels. It was a date night, not a full-blown ball.

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