My cousin flirts with my boyfriend!! (PRANK) **this was fun**

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I genuinely don't like coffee, but it's whatever.

lol, I don't know why I told you that. But i did.


I tilted my head to the side, looking at the camera. Then I stuck my tongue out. Because I can. And could.

"Hey guys, it's Peyton here," I took my phone off the bathroom sink. I quickly shut the bathroom door, and focused the camera on sleeping Mason.

"So, I hope y'all are doing great, because I am." I started. My stupid duck slippers made a quack. I stopped dead in my tracks. Mason shifted in his sleep. He made a few grumbling noises, and the place went dead quiet again.

I exhaled. "So, now that we're in the cool, I'm going to do a quick transition. I hope I don't mess this up. I probably will."


"Okay, I'm back! With, my cup of coffee," I added, taking a sip of it. I was holding a cup of black coffee. I loved coffee. Though, I wasn't like-addicted to it. "And I didn't mess up the transition. That's an achievement!"

I grinned. My hair was no longer in the mess it was in earlier. I was now dressed up in a white shirt, and simple black leggings.

"Okay, so Mason has literally no idea what we're doing. Lucas and Olivia just left to go get Mel-she's my cousin. We discussed this over the night, and she was cool with it. This prank could go wrong in so many ways. Mason could flirt back, and our relationship would be ruined. But, I trust him completely, so I'm confident over the fact that he'll won't. Mason's never met her, before. So this is going to be good."

Once I finally got down the stairs, I called up Lucas and Olivia. They said they had just picked her up, which means it's time for me to go wake up Mason. I walked back up the stairs, and opened the door slightly, so it wouldn't make any noise.

I set my coffee down, and positioned my phone properly, on my dressing table so you could get a perfect view of what I was going to do. Then I yelled at top of my lungs.

"Mason you hibernating baboon get the hell out of bed!" And with that, I jumped on him. I was a little worried that I'd ended up killing my boyfriend, but then he let out a little groan, in pain.

"The hell is wrong with you, Pey?" I moved off him, and pulled out of bed by his legs. He hit the ground with a loud thud. He groaned, rubbing his face as he looked up at me.

"Get up, you lazy hazel," I scolded. He snorted. It was a little inside joke. I smiled at him.

He got up, still shirtless, and squinted his eyes at me. "Why did you wake me up so early? Am I meant to be filming a video or something?" He rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out of them. His eyes scanned the room, trying to decipher his surroundings.

"Nope. I woke you up, 'cause I wanted to." I grinned at him. "Okay, I'm just kidding. I woke you up, because I have a friend coming over. She's a YouTuber like us, she's coming to here to interview my boyfriend-which is you, Mason-"

"No shit."

"-shut up. So, please get dressed and ready, she'll be here any minute, with Lucas and Liv. Her name's Mel, and she's very friendly."

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