"Guess I'll be seeing you a lot more then," Oh how Lisa wanted to just drop to the floor and have it consume her. She didn't mean to make it sound so flirty! Her cheeks were completely red now.

But, with the gummy smile displayed in front of her and with the eyes staring at her softly, she felt her embarrassment slowly going away. Well, except the blush. That came naturally just by the pretty smile. How many times had she called Jennie pretty already?

"Glad to know my presence hasn't bothered you yet," Jennie teased but then widened her eyes in worry, "But if it has you can totally slam the door right on my face! It would be totally understandable and I totally would not be offended whatsoever--." Lisa was totally swooning.

Lisa smiled and opened her door wider, "Would you like to come inside?" She didn't know why she offered. She could barely control her heart with Jennie just standing there as it is. But, seeing Jennie again, Lisa felt warm and happy. It was that feeling of finally being reunited with someone you had known all your life when in reality, it had only been a month and Lisa had only known Jennie for two.

Jennie looked taken aback but smiled excitedly nonetheless, "Sure, I'd love to!" Lisa opened the door wider and took a step to the side.

"Please, excuse the mess, I still haven't had the time or energy to unpack the rest of the boxes." Jennie giggled while waving her hands dismissively as she made her way inside Lisa's apartment. Her eyes gazed around the room in pure amazement.

"Don't worry, my house isn't always tidy. Especially when I bake! It's like a typhoon hits my kitchen every single time." When Jennie talks, her hands move animatedly and her eyes always seem to solely focus on your own. And, that was something Lisa liked about her. She was intriguing to listen to. It was like Lisa could listen to her talk all day and she would never grow tired.

Lisa chuckled while grabbing another wine glass as Jennie sat her self across the counter on the stool. The taller one tried to remain calm and composed, but it was kind of hard to do when all she could feel is Jennie watching her every move. Lisa grabbed the wine bottle with a little jump of surprise as Jennie suddenly spoke,

"Oh! Pink Moscato! That's one of my favorites!" Lisa chuckled, turning around to face the bubbly girl as she poured the sweet alcoholic beverage in the clear glass.

"Mine as well," Lisa commented, sliding the glass over. Jennie smiled gratefully before taking a small sip and humming in content. She then slid off the stool to follow Lisa to the couch. Lisa sat herself down and took her glass of wine before turning her body completely to face Jennie, legs bent underneath of her just like Jennie. Jennie took another sip before smiling at Lisa,

"So, I've noticed that you like sweet things." Lisa perked her eyebrow up with a look of hilarity. What Lisa noticed about Jennie as well was that she always brought up so many random topics. But, again, Lisa appreciated it. Especially when Jennie was the one talking.


Jennie nodded, "Yeah. Exhibit A," She lifts the wine glass causing a soft laugh to bubble up through Lisa chest and out through her smile.

This girl is one of a kind.

"Exhibit B," Jennie then pointed towards Lisa's coffee table. What laid in the middle was a bowl of different types of candy. Lisa playfully rolled her eyes,

"Okay, I can't be the only one that does that though. It's literally a typical house essential!" Lisa defended. Jennie giggled,

"That's fair, but I did catch you eating a chocolate or two during the shoot. Your manager was literally scolding you while trying to wipe the chocolate stain off your teeth with a tissue," Jennie laughed out with Lisa blushing in embarrassment. She remembered Jennie clearly mocking her manager from behind. That was the most fun she had in a shoot in a long time.

"Okay but like who doesn't like sweets?" Lisa grumbled under her breath while taking another sip of her wine. Jennie laughed and playfully hit Lisa's bare leg, something she knew would cause a sleepless night. Jennie's touch was still soft as ever.

"What made you like sweets so much?" Jennie asked curiously. Lisa thought for a moment before smiling thoughtfully,

"My mom. She loves baking sweet desserts so I practically grew up surrounded by sweets, but it did reward me multiple dentist visits growing up," Lisa chuckled out with a tiny wince. Jennie's eye were practically shining, and it wasn't because of the reflection or the city lights from outside.

"Oh! Parent talk! Keep going!"

"What?" Lisa laughed out, this girl was truly a character. Jennie giggled,

"Well, I want to know more about my new friend so the best way to start is by talking about your parents. What were they like?" Jennie asked, scooting closer till her knees were practically grazing Lisa's. Lisa had to swallow thickly for her throat was suddenly feeling dry. She thanked the alcohol for controlling her heart but cursed it for causing her hormones to go crazy.

"Friend?" Lisa squeaked. Jennie's excited expression turned into something softer, warmer even. It looked lovely. Her cheeks had a hint of pink, maybe it wasn't the alcohol or maybe it was, either way, Lisa adored the sight.

"I know we barely know each other, but I have a good feeling about you Lisa. From what I observed, you're kind and generous. I mean, the whole time during the shoot, you kept asking the assistants if they needed water or snacks. Heck, you even ordered five boxes of pizza's for everyone. If that's not the definition of kindness, then I don't know what is." Jennie said, never removing her soothing gaze away from Lisa's. It had the younger ones head feeling dizzy and she was certain it wasn't the alcohol.

"And, you've been giving me the time of day when you barely know me. And, all in all Lis, you're just sweet so, yes, I see you as my friend." Jennie then shifted nervously, gnawing on her bottom lip, an action Lisa couldn't ignore. Her thumb itched to soothe the bite. Okay, maybe it was the alcohol.

Jennie cleared her throat, "D-Do you see me as a friend?" Her voice sounded so small and scared and Lisa's heart wouldn't stop racing. "It's okay if you don't! You don't have to feel obligated to just because I think of you that way. I mean, who am I kidding, we haven't even known each other for that long so how could you see me as a friend? It's ridicu--."

"Yes." Lisa breathed out. Jennie shot her eyes back up to Lisa's.


Lisa smiled, reaching over, placing her hand hesitantly over Jennie's and squeezing lightly,

"I see you as my friend too."

Jennie smiled and flipped her hand around to hold Lisa's. It had the air in the taller ones throat to catch.


Later that night, before Jennie left, she asked for Lisa's number. Of course being a little buzzed, Lisa didn't even hesitate to give. But the moment she received a message from Jennie that same night, she knew it wasn't the alcohol that caused the abnormal rhythm in her heart.

Jennie: Goodnight Lis :)
Delivered 12:18 am

Lisa smiled and didn't wait to reply.

Lisa: Goodnight Jen.
Delivered 12:19 am

Jennie: Awwwww you called me Jen!
Delivered 12:19 am

Lisa needed water ASAP.

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