Oh Wynonna, why the jokes?

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Waverly's POV

Waverly strides happily into the house after saying bye to Nicole. When she walked in Wynonna was sitting on the coach, smirking at me.

"Waverly I saw you were with Haughtstuff out there"

Oh gosh I didn't tell Wynonna that I was going on a date. Especially not with a girl.

"How do you know Nicole?"

"Waverly I work at the same station as little miss Haught"

I began to think of an excuse as to why we were together but my mind drew blank. But then Wynonna told me she was glad I am making new friends. That I seemed lonely since I "thankfully" broke up with Champ. God he was an idiot.

I was so thankful that she didn't see us kiss. Not because I'm embarrassed just because we hadn't defined the relationship yet. I didn't want to do something that might make Nicole uncomfortable.

Wynonna doesn't press it any further and goes back to watching her movie and drinking her whiskey.

I head up to my room to shower and get ready for the night. I can't stop thinking about that kiss. It was so magical. The thought of Nicole just brings a smile to my face. At least I don't have to worry about coming out again. Wynonna won't be as shocked to find I might be dating a women.

As I'm laying down to go to sleep I see that I got a text from Nicole.

- Hi waves! I had a great time tonight. I felt so connected to you, more than anyone I've ever met.

- Hi Nic I can honestly say the same. You are just so special! That kiss was magical 😍

- I hope special in a good way? Also I felt the exact same. We should go out again this weekend.

- Of course in a good way!! I would love to go out with you again!

- Perfect. I will pick you up on Saturday at noon. Dress active and warm. I have a surprise. 😌😌

- I can't wait! Goodnight Nic💗

- Goodnight waves🥺❤️

Third person

Waverly soon drifted off into sleep thinking about Nicole. Nicole across town was kept up by her excitement for Saturday. Nicole has a beautiful surprise for Waverly and she couldn't wait.

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