Will you?

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"When your heart speaks you listen, right?", Waverly thought to herself. She had been thinking about her encounter all day. At first she was very confused about her feelings, but as the day continued she began to become more and more confident in how she felt. She never felt this way about anyone. She is not just going to deny it because it was new for her. She didn't care about anyone else's opinions anymore. She has always let that run her life. She was ready to stop worrying about others and start to take control of her own destiny. So, she pulled out the business card Nicole gave her and decided to text the number and just see where it led. The hope was that Nicole felt the same way.

Now that the date had been set in stone Waverly needed to find something nice to wear

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Now that the date had been set in stone Waverly needed to find something nice to wear. Not too nice but good enough to draw Nicole in. As the date came closer and closer she got more excited. She wasn't nervous at all. There was an odd comfort she felt from Nicoles's energy. She just felt safe and supported.

Nicole was so surprised that Waverly was the first one to make the move. She was usually forced to chase after the women she liked. Waverly was different than anyone she had ever met. This made her nervous because she wasn't used to feeling comfortable with someone so soon. This terrified Nicole really cause no one has every made her feel supported and she had always been scared that people were just paying her. Nicole then began to get ready. she knew she had to bring her A game. She decided to wear a pair of black jeans a nice blouse and a jean jacket. She wanted to be causal but cute. When she was done getting ready she began to make her way to meet Waverly at this small, intimate café on the outer edge of town where they knew they get talk in peace. Nicole was so ready to get to know Waverly.

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