What are we now?

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Nicole's POV

I wake up startled. My alarm is going off and I wonder what time it is. Waverly and I must have fallen back asleep after we talked. I turn the alarm off and look over to her in surprise. She slept through that? I begin to admire the beautiful women laying beside me. She's so cute when she's sleeping. Unfortunately I have to be at the station so I have to wake her up. I miss her gently on her forehead and whisper, "Waves it's time to get baby I gotta be at the station in like 15 minutes." She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at me. I pull her in close to hug her. There's an aching in my heart knowing that I have to leave. I don't wanna say I'm attached cause that's not the case. I'm just comfortable. Everyday I go out and uphold a certain image but that person isn't who I truly am. It is so hard to find someone who you can let your guard down with. Waverly makes me feel like I mean something in this world. No one I mean no one has ever made me feel like that. After I come out of my thoughts I have to get up. I kiss Waverly. But, this kiss isn't like the usually ones gentle and reserved. This is passionate. But I have to go. I hate to break it apart. When I do Waverly just smiles at me and tells me to go get ready. As I leave the room I hear Waverly rustling around in her bag.

Waverly's POV

As Nicole leaves the room I decide I'm gonna write her a little note for work later. After this morning I want her to feel safe and secure. I don't want her to think I'll run off and leave her. I know how it feels to be different. In the same ways but also different. I've had to go through a lot with the fact that I'm an Earp. It's hard to handle sometimes. People whisper about me and stare when I walk past, like I'm a ghost they've just seen for the first time. Anyway out of my own thoughts I gotta slip it in Nicole's bag before she leaves. I also need to get going. I have some work to do around town today. I write the note and put it in her work bag. Then I start getting up and changing. I decide to just change in here cause Nicole's in the bathroom. But just when I get undress Nicole comes in. She just stares for a moment then quickly turns around. "Oh ummm s sorry Waves I didn't know you were changing." I hear her say. Baby it's okay! I'm comfortable with you. You can turn back around I'm almost done changing anyway. Nicole turns back around. She looks at me weird and I get sorta anxious. What if I look bad? What if she doesn't like the way I look? I hope she does think I'm crazy. I quickly finish getting ready just as Nicole is leaving. I rush downstairs and kiss her goodbye. I leave with her. "Bye baby have an awesome day!" I hear Nicole say. I turn around and smile big "Bye Nic!"

Nicole's POV

After leaving the house I couldn't stop thinking about Waverly. We've been hanging out for a while now and we haven't really defined the relationship. I want her to be my girlfriend but I don't wanna push anything. I reach for my phone out of my backpack only to find a piece of paper.

Dear Nicole,
I know you've been struggling a bit lately and I want you to know I'm here. I'm not leaving no matter how hard things get. I really like you and you have shown my what it feels like to feel important. You are so amazing whether you realize or not. And I wanna be here to remind you just how amazing you are. I know we haven't defined the relationship. I just didn't know how comfortable you'd be with labels, so I haven't brought it up. Thank you so much for being so awesome baby.

I read the letter over and over. She can literally read my mind. I am so excited to see her after work.
As I pull into the station I see Neadly in his office waiting for me and it's time to start the day.

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