❄️Guy x Princess! Chubby Reader❄️

Comincia dall'inizio

"You cannot cabbage this!"I heard my younger brother's voice while I widened my eyes, I looked to where it came from and saw him with multiple guys and a girl.......

"You mean....trespass"I heard a guy say while I smiled and was about to go to them but someone grabbed my hand

"Are you an actress?"a girl asked while I saw her, she seemed interested in my culture, I learned different kinds of languages so I smiled

"No, I am not an actress. I'm a tourist in Japan"I said while she blinked

"C-can I take a picture?! I-I basically love your culture!"she asked so loudly and I smiled

"Yes but please keep it down"I said while she nodded and I smiled, I made a peace sign then she took a picture of me and her

"Thank you so much, lady!"she said then I waved at her a goodbye

Citron's POV

We were street acting until we heard a shout from a girl saying she wanted a picture with......wait isn't that....my older sister...?

"Great the people darted towards an actress!"Tsuzuru said

"She doesn't seem an actress"Chikage said while I nodded

"More likely.....doesn't she wears the same scarf as you, Citron-san?"I heard Kantoku-chan asking me which made me looked at her and smiled through my worry

"Kantoku-chan, she's my nii-chan"I said while she looks at me in shock, well most of them did

"You mean nee-chan, Citron-san"Itaru said while I nodded

"That's it!"I said while they sighed, then after the girl took a picture with my older sister, Kantoku-chan walked towards her. We did as well

"Excuse me, are you Citron-san's older sister?"Kantoku-chan asked while my older sister turned around, she looks at me

"Citron!"she said as she hugged me then I hugged back, I missed her but she'd be in trouble if Father knew about this.

"There's your answer, Kantoku-san"Itaru said while I sighed

"Oh how rude of me, I'm (Y/N)! And yes, Citron's older sister. Where's Guy, Citron?"(Y/N) asked which made me looked at her

"Guy-san is in the company, (Y/N)-san...who are you to him?"Kantoku-chan asked while (Y/N) smiled

"I'm his wife! Now I wanna meet him immediately!"she said while Kantoku-chan looked at her in shock but did as she said while we walked back to the dorms, she's really worried about Guy.

"Citron-san, she's really Guy-san's wife?"Sakuya asked while I nodded

"Yes, she is!"I said while Itaru smiled

"Can't believe he'd have a wife cause he's saying he's an Android"he said then (Y/N) kept looking everywhere for Guy

"So she's a....Princess?"Kantoku-chan asked while I nodded

"A royal servant, a Prince and a Princess......I didn't knew we'd collect some royal blood in the company"Tsuzuru said while Kantoku-chan agreed, well everyone did

"(Y/N)...?"I heard Guy asking while we all turned to him, including his wife or my sister

"Guy! I was so worried about you!"she said while running towards him, she hugged Guy while Guy hugged her back so they won't fall.

"Are? Who's she?"Azuma asked then I smiled

"My older sister!"I said then they were shocked

"And what is she to Guy-san?"Banri asked as I smiled

"Her husband!"I said while all of them were shocked

"Eh?! Husband?!"everyone asked then I nodded

"Yes, I am Princess (Y/N)'s husband. Now may I be excused with her and Citronia?"Guy asked while Kantoku-chan nodded then Guy grabbed me with (Y/N), we came in the garden

"What have you been thinking coming here?!"Guy asked (Y/N) which made her smiling

"Guy and Citron, liste-----!"I cut her off showing my angry face

"You didn't have to come here because you'll get in trouble! It's gonna be a big trouble for the company!"I said then she smiled

"No, Citron loo----!"Guy cut her off

"I'm actually pissed off right now.....what will the King be thinking if he knew about this....you didn't have to come here because you're worried!"Guy said as (Y/N) looks at him and me, me and Guy both were angry but Guy is his self proclaimed Android and is emotionless.

"....y-you're not happy to see me?"(Y/N) asked as I sighed

"I'm happy----"I was cut off by Guy

"No! Of course I'm not happy if you ran away from the palace! Go back to the palace now!"Guy said while (Y/N) angrily slapped him which made me shock

"I DIDN'T RAN AWAY, BAKA!"she said then runs away from us I tried to call out to her but she didn't look back.....

"Guy.....maybe you were too harsh...."I said while Guy scoffed

"Too harsh per say, but she disobeyed the King's rules!"Guy said while he walked away then I followed my older sister but she was no where to be found.

3rd Person's POV

(Y/N) is with Izumi Tachibana, once Izumi found (Y/N) crying in a stairway, Izumi comforted her by letting her and (Y/N) shop in Veludo Park. (Y/N) and Izumi were now sitting down on a cafe drinking coffee or tea, Izumi asked what's going on and (Y/N) explained everything. So Izumi made an idea to make her happy, she made (Y/N) the Assistant Director cause Izumi had found out that (Y/N) is interested in theatre. The two girls walked back to the dorms as Guy and Citron were worried for her, (Y/N) and Izumi both came back and now (Y/N) is afraid of going inside the lounge.

"Come on, (Y/N)-san"Izumi said as she dragged the chubby woman on the lounge and now they were visible to the actors

"(Y/N)!"Citron said his older sister's name and came rushing on her

"Where did the two of you go?"Sakyo Furuichi asked then (Y/N) avoided eye contact, Izumi explained where they went and why is (Y/N) there

"Oh...every now and then we'll hear a married couple quarrels? Interesting!"Kazunari Miyoshi said then (Y/N) while Guy literally felt guilty and acted like the royal servant, he bowed down on (Y/N) in his knees

"Woah.....Guy-san kneeling down!"Taichi Nanao said while Citron smiled

"It's a way of apologizing in our country, especially to the royal family"Citron said while everyone stared in awe

"G-Guy....you don't have to bow!"(Y/N) said while Guy looked up at his wife

"But I'm a royal servant still!"Guy said then (Y/N) smiled and knelt down, she hugged Guy's neck and sighed

"You're not MY royal servant, you're Citron's royal servant.....and we're married, Guy"the chubby girl said then she smiled

"So please do not bow down to me, and besides, I'm gonna be the Assistant Director of the company!"she said then Guy nodded

"(Y/N), I love you"Guy said so sincerely which made everyone shock except for Citron

"Love you too, Guy"(Y/N) said then everyone were asking questions now

~Extra Ending~

"Is nobody gonna notice how beautiful her dress is?"Yuki Rurikawa asked which made his roommate, Tenma Sumeragi snicker

"Well your not wrong but are you seriously gonna ask her that?"he asked as Yuki and him argued


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