"Paul, wait outside would you? We need to talk about some things."

"No please!?" I begged, my blood stained hands falling from the door now. I tried my hardest to reach back out to where I could now see Paul standing but before I got the chance I was thrown inside the cold room and toppling over onto the floor.

I barely registered the door slamming before I was backing myself up against the corner of the wall. The floor was wet and the walls didn't seem stable but I pressed my body up against it and curled my legs in on my chest. I was shaking so hard my breathing was loud and jumpy but I didn't care. I just squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip until I could feel blood on my mouth too.

"Hm," I heard him muse. He didn't sound angry, just confused. I dared myself to open my eyes but kept them tight shut. I didn't know what was worse; having to see his face or to see what I could imagine to be the dissapointed face. "Are you my son?"

That caught me off guard. I expected something more sinister, disgusting, the things I'd been having nightmares about since I could remember. But he seemed confused. Confused enough to let my fear drop a few levels.


"I said," his voice hardened and I felt him getting closer to me. "Are you my son?"


"Stand up," he barked and the voice he used shot straight through me. It was the voice he used when he gave direct orders, the ones that he couldn't be bothered with my fucking about. It had to be done or he would just get worse and that would always end up with me ending up worse than I could've.

I don't know where I managed to find the strength, or the bravery to do so but I managed to stretch my legs out. They shook and didn't feel like they were a part of my body but whilst holding onto the wall as well, I was able to stand up slowly. I kept my eyes closed and face pressed against the wall though, and once I felt stable enough I wrapped my arms around my chest; trying to stop him from seeing any part of me.

I felt his hand grab a fistful of my hear. My eyes jumped open at the pain and as I was dragged forward to stand in front of him, I met his gaze for the first time properly.

He was looking at me like I was a stranger. Like he couldn't  understand why I looked like, why I was reacting like this. It was as if he'd been expecting me to be young again. I didn't understand it.

"Take your shirt off," he ordered; the voice penetrating my ears so painfully but I still didn't make an effort to move. I couldn't. I could barely even breathe.

"You're slacking," he growled and the dissapproval hit me harder than the drag of my shirt when he forced it up over my head. The cold ran through me but I made no effort to hide, knowing it would only anger him more. Even as I felt him take a step forward so his rough lips were level against my ear, I didn't move an inch.

Then, I felt him smile.

"You're my son," he whispered.

I cried out as he ran his hands down my chest even though it felt so familiar. Id never really had time to get over it. The nightmares reminded me what his hands felt like every night so it wasn't the worst thing that could've happened. It was almost like I was prepared for it.

"These scars," he breathed against me; trailing his fingers down my arms. "I didn't give you these. How did you get them?"

I tried to open my mouth, tried to speak, but all I could think of was his reaction when he'd find out I hurt myself. Would he laugh? He'd think it was pathetic. He'd think I was pathetic. I couldn't deal with the dissapproval from him, I never had been able to. It stung worse than the hits.

"How did you get them?!"

"I did it," I forced out; my voice not even sounding like my own. "I...I-"

"You hurt yourself?" He asked, sounding confused. "Why? Did I not give you enough scars to be proud of? Did you not appreciate what you already had?"

"No, no I-"

"Were you being selfish? Wanting more than what you already had? Disgraceful," he spat and grabbed my wrists as tight as he used to. "Nobody gets to mark you up like that but me. Do you understand that?"

"I...nghh-" I choked; not even able to form words with the tears forcing out of my eyes.

"Do you understand?!"


He smiled down at me. "Yes?"

"Yes...sir," I managed to croak out past the bile in my throat. I shook as he smirked and ran his hands up and down my arms again, tsking to himself. "Well, seeing as you like scars so much...why not give you some more?"



Lisa had agreed to stay until we heard more from Hunter. Bare in mind it had taken Kat at least 20 minutes of begging and promises that she would do the dishes for a few weeks until Hunter was back. I was happy that Kat could stay, I enjoyed her company as I would enjoy my own daughters. She was as much a part of my family as Hunter. I just couldn't bare to think what would happen during the divorce. Would Lisa take Kat away from me? From Hunter? It was painful to think of.

"Made pizza," Kat smiled; coming down to sit next to me on the couch with a large plate of pepporoni pizza in her lap.

"Are you just doing everything that reminds you of Hunter?" I raised an eyebrow, referring to the pizza she was eating.

"I guess. I just miss him, yknow."

"I know," I agreed. "How's your Mom?"

"She's not talking. She doesn't want to talk about Hunter, or her affair, or anything. She just wants this shit to stop."

"Don't we all," I sighed.


"Yeah Kat?"

"I just wanted to thank you for everything," she said quietly. "I know how much you've done for Hunter and you're so understanding of our relationship. Even if it doesn't work out, we'll know that we had your full support and that really means a lot to me. And to Hunter. Wherever he is. He'll never forget what you've done for him. He loves you. And really, so do I,"

She went back to eating her pizza as soon as the last word left her mouth so I assumed she didn't want to continue with any emotional talk. I opted for placing my hand on her shoulder and smiling, even if she wasn't looking. What she'd said had honestly meant the world to me. I knew that I could never replace Kat's father and I never wanted to. I wanted what she had just said, I wanted to support her.

"Shit that's the phone!" She jumped up, knocking the pizza onto my lap and running away into the kitchen from where I could hear the distant buzzing.

"Is it Hunter?" I called out.

"Yeah! It's got files attatched, think it's the pictures! Wanna come see?"

"Sure," I smiled; pulling myself up to my feet and walking through the doorway. To know I was going to get an actual word from Hunter was surreal, it was going to be such a relief to know he was alright.

Hopefully there'd be a picture of him too.

Love Like A Delinquent (Remake)Where stories live. Discover now